Explain links with Zardari, PTI tells Riaz


Minister (2k+ posts)
[h=1]Explain links with Zardari, PTI tells Riaz[/h]

I slamabad: Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insafs (PTI) spokesperson has asked business tycoon Malik Riaz to explain his alleged links with President Asif Ali Zardari, says a press release.

In a statement released Friday, PTI spokesperson put forward five questions, and asked Malik Riaz to answer them.
First, PTI asked if Malik Riaz met President Zardari in the Darkness of the night before the press conference on 12th June.

Second, PTI asked whether Malik Riaz took instructions from Mr. Zardari about what to say in the conference.

Third, PTI asked why Malik Riaz does not disclose the names of politicians, judges, journalist, military officials, and bureaucrats, who took money from him.

Fourth, PTI asked whose messenger Malik Riaz was in 2009 during the restoration of judiciary, and when did he have meetings with the Chief Justice.

Fifth, PTI asked why Malik Riaz waited for three years before disclosing details of the money his family has allegedly spent on Arsalaan Iftikhar.



Siasat.pk - Blogger
I will add more questions for Riaz Thekedar:

Sixth, were you not involved in the Benazir Bhutto murder plot with Zardari, malik, hewan and others?
Seventh, were you not involved in memogate with zardari and haqqani, and you bought few generals for this purpose?

Answer all questions, sucker, and tell us why we should not stone you to death and throw your body to vultures.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
aik zardari sab per bhari . check his mind he is watching this show of GEO vs DUNIYA TV and Judiciary VS media - one card

I have few questions. Guys Brainstorm for a minute on each question and then respond to the questions please

1 - Why one Card - Riaz Bahria - has created all this mess?
2 - GEO TV started all this campaign of defaming Arsalan and CJ now they are also enjoying everything
3 - Hamid meer was one of the major player who started discussing this in the program - now he is pretending to be one of pro- judiciary but everyone knows that he was one driving mercedes .
4 - Status-quo has successfully engaged Judiciary and media - was this a part of planning?


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: aik zardari sab per bhari . check his mind he is watching this show of GEO vs DUNIYA TV and Judiciary VS media - one card



Re: aik zardari sab per bhari . check his mind he is watching this show of GEO vs DUNIYA TV and Judiciary VS media - one card

I have few questions. Guys Brainstorm for a minute on each question and then respond to the questions please

3 - Hamid meer was one of the major player who started discussing this in the program - now he is pretending to be one of pro- judiciary but everyone knows that he was one driving mercedes .

بلی نو سو چوہے کھا کے حج کو چلی


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: aik zardari sab per bhari . check his mind he is watching this show of GEO vs DUNIYA TV and Judiciary VS media - one card

ES JUMLA KA ASAL MATLAB AB SAMNE AYA HAI[video]http://jang.com.pk/jang/jun2012-daily/16-06-2012/col4.htm[/video]


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)

یہ زمین خریدوں گا، یہ آسمان خریدوں گا
آسمان کے سینے پر اپنا نام لکھوں* گا
مے کدہ خریدوں گا، گلستان خریدوں گا
گلستان کے چہرے پر اپنا نام لکھوں گا

عزم عالی شان میرا ، ہاتھ آہنی میرا
راگ آہنی میرا، ساز آہنی میرا
اپنے ساز کی دھن پر سب کو میں*نچائوں*گا
عزم عالی شان میرا

کس جہاں*میں*رہتے ہو، خواب دیکھتے ہو تم
ریت کی لکیروں* پر آشیاں بناتے ہو
پائمال راہوں کو راہنما بناتے ہو
کہنہ ضابطوں کو تم پاسبان بناتے ہو
کس جہاں*میں رہتے ہو، خواب دیکھتے ہوتم

ہر اصول کی قیمت میری جیب کے اندر
ہر قماش کے پتے میری جیب کے اندر
چیخنے سے کیا حاصل، رینکنے سے کیا حاصل
اس جہان میں پیارے ، ہر کوئی بکائو ہے
مال و زر کی منڈی میں زندگی بکائو ہے
ضابطے خریدوں*گا، آئینے خریدوں گا
آئینوں*کی دھڑکن کے سلسلے خریدوں گا
کون سی ہے شے جس کے دام لگ نہیں* سکتے
ہر ضمیر بکتا ہے ، ہر خمیر بکتا ہے

میں قلم خریدوں گا ، عدلیہ خریدوں* گا
آدمی خریدوں* گا ، فیصلہ خریدوں گا
یہ زمیں خریدوں*گا، آسماں خریدوں گا
آسماں کے سینے پر اپنا نام لکھوں* گا
پاک سرزمین میری، عزم عالی شاں میرا


spain say

MPA (400+ posts)
صبح لکھوں گامیں شام لکھوںگا
بےغیرت میں تیرا نام لکھوں گا

زرداری زرداری زرداری زرداری[hilar][hilar][hilar]


MPA (400+ posts)
He miscalculated, he was advised to do this bomb blast as Zardari, Gillani, Noora Shareef, Show-baaz Shareef mutually agreed to make him caretaker Prime Minister and hijack the elections but as men plans and is sure that his plan will succeed but finally Allah's plan succeed. Now his condition is "Dhobee ka K---- na gher kaa na Ghaat ka". He is the one through which PML(Noora) ensured minimum coverage of PTI Jalsa's after December 25 Jalsa at Karachi
