Exclusive: Undercover Reporter Infiltrates Security Firm to Expose London Olympics -- BCFM 22.06.12


Minister (2k+ posts)
Highlights: Foreign troops drafted in; drug deals in training classroom; ineffective screening processes and detection technology; photographs of sensitive mock-up screening areas taken by un-screened trainees; 200k 'casket linings' delivered; uniforms being stolen; plan for an evacuation of London; drones on-line (incl. armed).

Exclusive interview with investigative journalist 'Lee Hazledean' who is training undercover as a security guard for the London Olympics. Lee is a filmmaker and investigative TV journalist. He has found there is a media black out on all major news outlets to do with the Olympics. Security training and officers are so appaling that the safety & security of the London 2012 Olympics are in jeopardy

During an exercise, posing as a would-be terrorist he managed to get knives, guns & IED's through security screening on every occasion & every exercise. The X-Ray operators have only 2 days of training, they aren't trained properly & miss the most obvious prohibited items gun's, knives, IED's, ammunition etc. Bag & physical searchers again are missing dangerous weapons, trainees can't use vital security equipment like the HHMD (Hand Held Metal detectors) they can't even communicate properly with the public on a basic level. Worryingly the 'Rapiscan' walk through metal detectors don't work properly & aren't sensitive enough to pick up large knives, ammunition & other metallic threats. He was told that they would be set to go off only after 50 people have walked through to limit queuing time & to get spectators into the venue. So a Terrorist if they basically queued up would probably get through wearing a suicide vest. In classes there are drug deals going down, people can't speak any English. People who haven't even completed their SIA licenses yet are being picked to be Team Leaders over highly trained security officers, ex soldiers & ex police. Lee is concerned that weapons or worse will be getting into the games. However, what's more disturbing is that uniforms are already going missing or being stolen. The training facility is an accurate mock-up of the actual security measures at the Olympic venues. Lee has witnessed several people taking photos on their mobile phones in the training facility & whilst they have been a few people caught by trainers most aren't noticed. We know that terrorists take surveillance photos to gain intelligence. Contemporary International claim that they have mobile phone 'jammers' in the facility, however trainers admitted to Lee that there were no 'jammers' at all, it was a verbal deterrent.

Also there are plans for the evacuation of London, G4S are going to be at the forefront, as well as 100,000 troops coming in via Woolwich barracks made up of regular British Forces, American regular army & European troops. Lee was not told why there would be any need for an evacuation of the whole of London, they just said it was to be a "defining moment in the history of London". This could just be a precaution but the public should be made aware of the foreign invasion which is taking place right now. The troops are being held across London in various barracks once they've been through Woolwich. Lee also had this information confirmed by an army doctor who was shocked at all the foreign troops coming into London. There is also a shipment of what are being described as casket linings, each casket can hold four or five people & 200,000 casket linings have been delivered we believe from America. Also we were shown videos of drones attacking targets in Afghanistan & were told that drones will be patrolling the sky's over London during the Olympics carrying out surveillance & search & destroy missions if necessary.

The Link Between Olympics' Security & FEMA Concentration Camps:-

European security officials say a Norwegian man has received terrorist training from al-Qaida's offshoot in Yemen & is awaiting orders to attack the West... Officials from three European security agencies confirmed Monday that the man is "operational," meaning he has completed his training & is about to receive a target. All requested anonymity: http://www.suntimes.com

On Monday, the Director General of British MI5 counterintelligence service Jonathan Evans, in his first public speech for 2 years, warned that Britains's vulnerability to terrorist threats is growing... Definitely, most of Mr. Evans rhetoric was aimed at increasing public vigilance on the eve of London Olympics. According to him, since 9/11, Britain has "experienced a credible terrorist attack plot about once a year," & the Olympic Games are sure to be an "attractive target for our enemies.": http://english.ruvr.ru/2012_06_26/79342843/

Source: http://bcfm.org.uk/2012/06/22/17/friday-drivetime-76/18658


Minister (2k+ posts)
Hazledean’s interview with Tony Gosling, Bilderberg.org editor and host of BCFM’s Friday Drivetime, has gone viral on the web over the last few days. Hazledean is an undercover journalist for a television program in London and has worked with news agencies on hard-hitting subjects, but when he approached the mainstream media with his bombshell story, they showed no interest.

When Hazledean asked Channel 4 News Home Affairs Correspondent Andy Davies if he would run the story, Davies said he wasn’t interested and days later Channel 4 ran a puff piece about G4S which portrayed the organization as competent and trustworthy.

“I sent him an email, I called, he wasn’t interested and he said there’s a media blackout on this kind of story, that nobody would be interested in running it,” said Hazledean.
In the interview, Hazledean divulges how he merely had to fill in an application form to get a job with G4S, the private company providing security for the Olympics, that he underwent no background check whatsoever, and that his personal references were not checked.
Employees are given just two days of training to run airport-style security checkpoints which include body scanners, which Hazledean said “would be turned off completely” at peak times, meaning terrorists could just walk straight into the event with ammunition or explosives and have an excellent chance of remaining undetected.
“In fact, I was asked to be a would-be terrorist on the final training day and I was given a knife, a gun and an IED, and on all three occasions throughout the day I got through the metal detector and I also got through the x-ray machine scanner,” said Hazledean, adding that terrorists could quite easily stage a “massacre” given the lax nature of the security.
“They’re not training them properly…it’s quite open to a terrorist attack very easily and I don’t say that lightly,” said Hazledean, adding that he witnessed G4S members doing drug deals while training classes were taking place, while others were taking surveillance photos on their cellphones of supposedly secure areas. Hazledean said a lot of the security staff were poorly qualified and that many of them could barely speak English.
Hazledean also revealed how the large contingent of soldiers being brought into London for the Olympic Games included “a lot of UN troops being posted in and around London,” including American and German troops.
The whistleblower also revealed how unauthorized personnel were being handed G4S uniforms and that uniforms had been stolen.
Hazledean’s most chilling revelation was how he learned about preparations to evacuate London and how, “The security guards used for the Olympics will be at the forefront of getting the public out of London.”
“They seem quite serious about it, they’ve spent a lot of time on this,” said Hazledean, noting how G4S spent two hours talking about the evacuation of London in comparison to just half an hour talking about security screening procedures for the Olympics itself.
The whistleblower also noted how the 100,000 plus troops that would be stationed in London during the Olympics would be enough to carry out such a large scale evacuation.
Another chilling facet Hazledean learned was that 200,000 casket linings (temporary coffins) were being shipped in to London that can hold four bodies each. The whistleblower expressed his amazement at why security guards working on mundane screening procedures would need to be told such information.
The whistleblower also revealed how he was told Predator drones would be circling London in readiness for terrorist attacks, and that G4S employees were shown a video of a drone killing a group of people in Afghanistan.
Hazledean noted how G4S leaders saw the public as “the scum of the earth” and also told their employees that the police had no authority over them. He also related how one of the leaders told him that an event after the Olympics would be a “defining moment” for London but when pressed, refused to divulge what she meant.
Hazledean is not the first to blow the whistle on G4S. Earlier this month, data input clerk Sarah Hubble revealed that she was fired by G4S after complaining that G4S was cutting corners in their security preparations for the Olympics and that she herself had not been vetted.
Speaking with Infowars, Hazledean said that he had been making contingency plans for if his life was put in danger or if he became a target for the authorities in any other way after blowing the whistle on the scandal.
Asked about a meme circulating the web that conspiracy theories about a false flag attack occurring at the London Olympics are being deliberately allowed to proliferate in order to make ‘truthers’ look paranoid after nothing happens, Hazledean stressed that merely getting the story out was necessary as it could derail any planned attack.
Lee Hazledean will appear on The Alex Jones Show tomorrow at 1pm CST.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.



Minister (2k+ posts)
[h=1]Terror on the Tube – June 27, 2012[/h] [h=5]The security firm to ‘look after’ the forthcoming London Olympics, G4S, has deep Israeli connections and a dreadful human rights record. There have been quite a string of fabricated-terror events where Israeli security firms have been involved, enough to raise urgent concerns about what is in the pipeline for Londoners. If you have a ticket for the Olympics – get rid of it! Just stay away.[/h] [h=5]G4S provides services to Israeli prisons, police army. Palestinian political prisoners from the occupied territories are held by G4S in contravention of international law. It provides security equipment and personnel to shops, supermarkets and businesses in the illegal West Bank settlements.[/h] [h=5]G4S Israel mentions its “homeland security activities” in a Hebrew presentation of November 2011. The services include providing scanners to checkpoints in the checkpoint in Gaza. it is the sole provider of electronic security systems to the Israeli police.[/h] [h=5]G4S made 120 million pounds in Israel last year. This is the worst thing since Lockheed Martin (complicit in Guantanamo Bay) did the population census last year – as if the UK Government has no problem dealing with firms having appalling human rights records. This is a private security firm, i.e unaccountable to anyone except their shareholders. The London police will have NO POWER over this security firm.[/h] Continues at source…



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Salam bro. I just cut&paste. Thats it. Others are doing hard to fight against it..

Why me or anybody else couldn't cut n paste? Sharing such an information is really the jihad which is most effective in this age of 4th generation warfare. Thanks once again.