"Evil" ISI creating a anti india sikh force in germany


Senator (1k+ posts)
duh, Indian media again at it, tying to create extra sensation, how childish they look while reporting such news.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Thery are such idiots, fact is that indian elements are behind dud and false intelligence reports on Pakistani students so Pakistan gets a bad name internationally and countries don't issue visas to geneuine students and migrants fearing they might have extremist links, their aim is defame Pakistan and limit migration(attack economically) and now they have come up with this false report.



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
These guys are pathetic. Khalistan struggle is still alive not because of ISI but because of Sikhs. Those living in Toronto Canada can listen to their views on the radio. Also the way of reporting, these guys are years behind any good standard. Doordurshan and ZEE should send their news staff to Pakistan to at least learn how to present the news.


Councller (250+ posts)
What a joke the Indian Media is. Indian agencies got this information and televise it but German Government and agencies are unaware of that? Germans don't spare such ridiculous activities on their soil if they find it. Indian media is playing an incredibly pathetic game to malign and portray Pakistan as Terrorist State. I would simply call it only replication of American and Israeli tactics to create a sympathy and pleat benefits from the rest of the world and also to hide its failure to upgrade its people live. Oh Come Indians.... grow up boys.



Senator (1k+ posts)
In near future Indian mothers and Indian armed forces officers shall get so crazy that they shall DRAWO TO THEIR CHILDREN AND SUBORDINATES,KHABERDAR ISI WALA PAKER LAY GA AUR LAY JAE GA or acts like that.ISI has entered their blood and they even get scared in dreams like the English mothers used to scared their children by the name TIPU (TIPU SULTAN).it is one of those orgnisations who r really protecting our frontiers in side or out side Pakistan.when ISI does some thing secret , it takes about 9 years to CIA to know little about it. i m reffering the interview of Dr. A Q Khan released on a tv ch in a programe DO TOK.what to talk of Indian media or RAW.they r just jumping to add strength to some phonetic media reports to malign Pakistan.Nothing to worry about it. ISI will take care of ir. InshaAllah.


MPA (400+ posts)
ISI ka name sun k to bray bray Countries k "PAIT KHRAB" ho jatay hain.............India keya cheez hai.....

wesay Alzam tarashi karna to India ka kaam hai.....karta hai to karta rahy....:smashfreakB:

ISI Zindabad
Pakistan Paindabad:pakistan-flag-wavin:pakistan-flag-wavin


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
woh din door naheen jub Sikhon ka apna watan hoga, Ameen

Khalistan, Maoland, Nagaland, Rajhistan, a reality

Pakistan Paindabad


stupid indian media[hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar]

its germany[hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar]

germany kiya afghanistan he jahan training b ho rahee he aslaha b diya ja raha he[hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar]

stupid media shayad is reporter to ye pta hi nhi k germany kahan hain ore kaisa mulk he


Minister (2k+ posts)
germany na ho gya, qandhar ya tora bora ho gya jo yhan kisi ko pakadna asan nai hai. Boht achay. Height of stupidity.


Councller (250+ posts)
Where in Germany ,I live in Berlin and did,nt hear any news about this . I can,t believe that indian media is so stupid.
You know that German are very strict about terrorism.Their secret agency BND very dangerous.


Minister (2k+ posts)
The negative propoganda is not gonna help india or pakistan, i know there are some elements on both sides who dont want to see peace and harmony in this region-foreign element is also involved but its upto us to decide what we want.Majority of the people on both sides want peace and freindship between the two countries so india should abondon its policy of superiorty complex and try to mend its differences with pakistan so people in the region can live a happy and peacefull life.Pakistan have already said its territory will not be used against its neighbours,as for khalistan is concerned,pak have nothing to do with it-its india's internal matter,they deal with it the way they want.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
looks like indian media is more effective that indian intelligence.....but for us both are bunch of crap
they can not see any thing under their noses but are finding leads in germany......shit heads


Senator (1k+ posts)



Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Indian media still thinks that they have the ability to draw everyone's attention by using such base less info via their own media. School going boy would be able to tell that it's all nothing more than a joke.
Suggestion for Indian Media: Think humanity and don't forget the seven sins of Gandhi Jee... Try and bridge the gaps between people and govts so that constructive and positive vibrant community growth takes place. Spend on education, medical and human services than buying and spying eachother's interests.



President (40k+ posts)
What Indians are doing in Kashmir, Baluchistan and Afghanistan against Pakistan? I think ISI should think about it. [hilar] [hilar] [hilar]

Long Live ISI

Zionist Hindu

Senator (1k+ posts)
Sometimes, some Indian media outlets like to make something out of nothing. This news seems pretty far-fetched to me. They do that for rating and viewer ship. Competition is quite strong. Lets all just laugh at this news like that family.
