Endgame in Afghanistan


Minister (2k+ posts)
One year to move 20km.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
NATO and USA already lost war in AFGANISTAN , they just has to accept this. ( Soon or later )
As soon as they will feel that they are brave enough , they will accept this reality and they will announce this too.

USA should handover all matter to ISI as well as they have to kick out RAW and KARZAEE from AFGANISTAN. (Spartacus,s solution )


This proves how tough the conditions are out there. This is the most highly trained army and probably the best in the world and they still can't do much there.
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MPA (400+ posts)
i think the US, NATO and ISAF should have their presence in Afghanistan for a few more decades until the afghan army can take care of its own. i have a few friends in the US military including a pakistani sgt who say that US is going to be there for atleast 50 more years! this is actually good coz if they leave in a haste then the taliban will come back again and the training camps of al qaeda would soon be all over afghanistan again. now no country would want that to happen.
i also think that muslim countries should contribute more ground troops in afghanistan just like Turkey and rick arab countries like Saudia and UAE should build schools and roads in afghanistan.


Senator (1k+ posts)
i think the US, NATO and ISAF should have their presence in Afghanistan for a few more decades until the afghan army can take care of its own. i have a few friends in the US military including a pakistani sgt who say that US is going to be there for atleast 50 more years! this is actually good coz if they leave in a haste then the taliban will come back again and the training camps of al qaeda would soon be all over afghanistan again. now no country would want that to happen.
i also think that muslim countries should contribute more ground troops in afghanistan just like Turkey and rick arab countries like Saudia and UAE should build schools and roads in afghanistan.

Your suggestion is quite opposite to Afghan psyche. History has proven that they do not want foreign occupation, intervention or arbitration. They fight with each other and after prolonged civil wars they settle their disputes in their own way. They are hard nuts to crack. This is lesson of the history.