R Rameez Chaudhry Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Sep 4, 2014 #1 Featured Thumbs
A AshRay Senator (1k+ posts) Sep 4, 2014 #5 ye to nooron ki sheh-rag hey jawano.... kesey churi phirney de ga .... I am not expecting any fair thing can ever come out, until.... you know what I mean, don't you??
ye to nooron ki sheh-rag hey jawano.... kesey churi phirney de ga .... I am not expecting any fair thing can ever come out, until.... you know what I mean, don't you??
kakamuna420 Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Sep 4, 2014 #6 Message to Saad Rafique: gol maal hai bhai gol maal hai
A amber123 Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Sep 4, 2014 #7 Saad is too cleaver...................audit of ballet papers before new orders set the new audit laws and plans............. Machlee key jayey ko tairna kaun sikhayee
Saad is too cleaver...................audit of ballet papers before new orders set the new audit laws and plans............. Machlee key jayey ko tairna kaun sikhayee