Egypt Crackdown


Minister (2k+ posts)

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Minister (2k+ posts)
yeh waqt pakistan pay bhi anay wala hai ulema ki bila jawaz giraftariyaan awam or army ko amnay samnay la sakti hain ....
pakistan k musalmano ko Allah ki taraf Mutawaju hojana chaeyh foran ... roz war an terror k naam pay tamashay lagay jarahay hain
khudh sakhta sucide bomber paeda keyh jarahay hain nafarat he nafrat pehlaee jarahi hai her tarf...

US Aid Aids ki tarh lag gaee hai Media ko Siasi Hukomat IMF World Bank Say Bheeg Mangnay Ko Kamyabi Sumhaj rahi hai.
Army 1.3billion ki Imdad Harap Karny Ka Soch Rahi Hai K Siasat Dano Ko Hata K Khaee Jay Ya Alone Harap Karni Hai... Pura Mulk Lawaris Hoa Wa
Hai Kahin Aman Nahi ... Dollar Hungry Siasi Or Askari Tola Heyna K Ghool Ki Sorat Ikhtiyar Kar Chukay Hain Kaun Kab Kis Pay Shab Khoon Marayga
Taeyari Sabki Hai...


Voter (50+ posts)
today our nation were busy in watching live drama in Islamabad.. the Muslims neither realize what is happening with their brothers today nor they are thinking what is happening to them in the near by time....who is killing..muslims killing muslims...................May Allah bless the Umma of Muhammad(P.B.U.H)


Councller (250+ posts)
today our nation were busy in watching live drama in Islamabad.. the Muslims neither realize what is happening with their brothers today nor they are thinking what is happening to them in the near by time....who is killing..muslims killing muslims...................May Allah bless the Umma of Muhammad(P.B.U.H)

That drama guy was trying to put our attention towards all those issues Muslim ummah is facing & trying to tell us that what should be the role of Pakistan. He is not educated & trying to convey message in his own way.

staray khaatir

Minister (2k+ posts)
Don't know what brotherhood is trying to achieve being killed as sitting ducks there.get whatever you can to protect against these losers calling themselves security forces.I would rather prefer Israeli security forces over these ********.ppl should hang these generals and drag their dead bodies on the streets of Cairo


Senator (1k+ posts)
I am horrified at the Egypt army. How can they with impunity kill their own citizens without any remorse. I remember my father told me long time ago. When Bhutto was removed from Power, Pak. Army was called onto the streets, but most of them refuse to kill it's own citizens. I appreciate this gesture of Pak. Army when comparing with Egypt army.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
U.S. will pay a price for its hypocrisy on Egypt

U.S. will pay a price for its hypocrisy on Egypt


There has always been a hierarchy to the value of life. Kings mattered more than peasants. Killing continental European colonialists in Africa or the British in India brought the wrath of the empire down on the natives, who were strapped to the cannons and blown to bits by the hundreds. The contemporary era, with its spread of democracy, globalization and greater egalitarianism, raised hopes that all human beings would have equal value.

But the murder of 2,977 innocents on Sept. 11, 2001, led to the killing of at least 100,000 Muslim civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq and Pakistan. An Israeli life is deemed infinitely more valuable than that of a Palestinian. Our own government in Ottawa makes no bones about caring more about Christians in Egypt and Pakistan than Muslim victims of similar religious persecution there or in Myanmar. When the West does care about Muslims, it does so for the secular good Muslim, not the Islamist bad Muslim.

When Tayyip Erdogan, Turkeys thrice-elected Islamist prime minister, ordered tear gas and water cannons on peaceful protesters in Istanbul, he was duly reviled. But the Egyptian army that has been firing live ammunition into peaceful Islamist protesters and killing them by the hundreds in the last month has only been told, politely, of our concern.

On July 11, Ottawa raised just such a pipsqueak concern. Stephen Harpers government was more emphatic as it condemned the shooting death of a Coptic Christian priest near El Arish. The targeting of religious leaders is unacceptable. Following the second massacre, July 27, in which about 80 protesters were gunned down, Ottawa was deeply concerned and appalled and fixated on its clarion call for respecting religious minorities, namely Coptic Christians.

Barack Obama was also mostly silent about the two massacres. So was David Cameron. So was much of Europe. They had refused to call the July 3 military coup a coup. In fact, John Kerry passed the perverse judgment that in toppling the elected president Mohammed Morsi, the Egyptian army was restoring democracy. American annual aid of $1.3 billion was to continue.

Its only now after Wednesdays bloody massacre of pro-Morsi protesters that
Obama stirred himself to shed crocodile tears. The U.S. and its allies have been enablers of the grave crimes committed by the Egyptian military as well of the Goebbelsian lies it has been peddling.

After each official atrocity, the army has under-reported the deaths and blamed the victims, accusing them of inciting violence, hoarding weapons, torturing people in public squares, fomenting terrorism and being a threat to national security. It has hurled a slew of charges against Morsi murder, treason, espionage, conspiring with Hamas, attacking and insulting state institutions, etc. It has held him incommunicado, along with several top Brotherhood leaders. It has shut down a dozen pro-Morsi TV stations, with a nary a peep from free speech advocates in the West.

The U.S., the E.U and others have also been doing the Egyptian armys bidding by calling on all sides to refrain from violence when, in fact, the violence has been almost always one-sided. Western governments and media have also accused Morsi of having been unduly partisan when, in fact, he was far less so than most ruling political parties in democracies. Proportionately, he appointed far fewer dummies than, say, Harper to the Senate, or the Republicans or Democrats named friends and funders to key posts.

Morsi was inept in the extreme. But he did reach out to his opponents who simply refused to accept their repeated defeats at the polls.

It has now been credibly reported that the secular anti-Morsi forces formed an unholy alliance with Egypts
Deep State (the army, the intelligence, the security forces, the police, the interior ministry and its paid thugs, the judiciary and the bureaucracy), along with the beneficiaries of the Hosni Mubarak era (crony capitalists and corrupt politicians) to undermine the Muslim Brotherhood government. They collaborated in mounting mass protests, in a blaze of hateful anti-Brotherhood propaganda by both the state and privately-owned media, which heralded the unproven and unprovable claims that 20 million people had taken to the streets and 22 million had signed anti-Morsi petitions. Post-coup, acute shortages of gas and electricity miraculously disappeared overnight. Law-and-order situations improved in selective neighbourhoods.

Reportedly in on the plot were the intelligence agencies of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other oil-rich Gulf states except Qatar. They hate the Brotherhood, not so much for its Islamic ideology but the democratic threat it poses to their monarchies. They rewarded the coup with $12 billion in aid.

The army conveniently claimed that the coup was only a response to the peoples will. In turn, it has been forgiven all its sins including the virginity tests on women protesters, and the shooting of Coptic demonstrators and running them over with armoured vehicles.

What weve witnessed is fascism under the false pretence of democracy and liberalism, said Amr Hamzawy, an Egyptian political activist and former MP.

All this will not be lost on the Muslim masses in Egypt and elsewhere. There will be a price to pay we dont quite know when and where and how. But as American pollster
Dalia Mogahed, who has surveyed Muslim societies worldwide, says, it is useful to remind ourselves that Al Qaeda was conceived in the prisons of Egypt and, contrary to conventional wisdom, not the caves of Afghanistan.

Haroon Siddiquis column appears on Thursday and Sunday.[email protected]



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: U.S. will pay a price for its hypocrisy on Egypt

why blame usa, england etec etecetetetc, our muslim brothers do not follow islam, so forget about it(thumbsdown) burn, they are themselves responsible for this chaos


Minister (2k+ posts)
I am horrified at the Egypt army. How can they with impunity kill their own citizens without any remorse. I remember my father told me long time ago. When Bhutto was removed from Power, Pak. Army was called onto the streets, but most of them refuse to kill it's own citizens. I appreciate this gesture of Pak. Army when comparing with Egypt army.

You make an excellent point. I am no fan of the Military but it would collapse before it ever went to such extent against its own citizens.
Maybe reason is that they have since Sadat time been mainly persecuting MB and other Islamist who they see as the only real threath tp their political , economic hegemony in the long run.

Another sampling of the horrors they unleashed. Beyond belief.

