Thank you dr.pirzada good progrmme.If you follow the logic in faisal shahzad case in NY,FS who had MBA degree cannot be that stupid to leave his cell and gun in SUV as an evidence so he can be caught.I have said that before and i will say it again that FS became the part of big conspiracy just because of money and greed. FS lost his job and had no money so he lost his house then all of a sudden where did he get all that money,did he win any lottery.The company he was working belong to jewish group who took advantage of him .FS belong to elite class and never went to even mosque for prayer,he is considered as liberal so why he would do thing like this to humiliate pakistan and its citizens who are doing good in US. CIA,MOSSAD and RAW made up a plan to blackmail pakistan, anyway so they did.US wants pakistan to go to north wazirastan to fight with talibans ,second BB's murder case is in the media and US involvement is on suface so to divert the attention of the people and the world,this hoax was created.when 9/11 incidence happened ,the american media day and night gone berserk that america is under attack and alqueda is behind it but their own midia later on proved that it was a hoax-9/11 was inside job.This is also inside job and it will be revealed very soon.if FS went for getting the traing to detonate the bomb,you think he got this kind of training to buy the firecrakers to detonate the bomb.CIA and mossad will find out their stupidities as the time pass and some foreign investigators get involved.I have no doubt about the sincerety of president Obama and Hilory Clinton to have good relations and help pakistan and other muslim countries but there are some elements in his govt who dont want it.Lets for the sake of arguments, FS left his family in pakistan and came back just to blow the NY city with firecrackers to detonate the LPG cylinders with the timer even CNN said if the bomb go off it would only hurt the passerby not damage any building.Talibans dont use this kind of technology,the whole drama was staged to show pakistanis are terrorists and pakistan is a very dangerous country whereas every day US drones are killing the people.If one militant dies there are 10 innocents die along with them.Would you ever Mr.president Obama think about those innocents who are being killed in drone attacks? would you please let Pakistan and other agencies investigate the NY incident because we are not satisfied what your media is saying? I myself is against all kind of violent activites all over the world and in favour of good ties with india and israel but these countries have to be also serious about it.The conspiracies against pakistan should be stopped for better relations and understanding.Majority of the pakistanis think CIA and Mossad stage the drama to blackmail pakistan.