Dunya Today 30th March 2010- Friendship with America


Minister (2k+ posts)
Friendship with America & Our National Interests (Hussain Haqani (Pakistani Ambassador to USA join Dr Moeed Pirzada to debate






Senator (1k+ posts)
An excellent and well balanced interview Dr pirzada.
The ambassador is also well polished diplomat and spokes person on behalf of Pakistan in very important capital"Washington" and rightly so.
I thought the question really frequently arises in my mind is that, I feel must have been asked by you Dr Pirzada from the ambassador was ,If we so boldly say to our nation and to the rest of world ,that Pakistan is playing a pivotal roll in the war on terror and we are the front line state also our co operation is considered to be as very valuable component in order to eliminate the so called extremism from the face of the earth, then why and it is big WHY, India reaps the rewards and we are plunged in crises after crises?
USA is verbally thankful to us but not in taking the concrete steps to help us develop our industrial sector,education sector ,energy sector with open arms ,like she has given to India or Israel?
What are the positive signs so our nation really feel that USA is not the same as we had bitter experiences in the past, such as used ,abused and then neglected?
If we are so so important to Washington then why Obama pays secret visit to Kabul and not dropping in Islamabad to just say hello or publicly say thanks to Pakistani nation for the scarification,in giving lives and in economic hardship since we became a bed fellow with USA in war on terror?

Lastly Dr pirzada, I noticed twice when you addressed the ambassador by calling him by first name ,he may be your friend as a person but when he is holding a post of an ambassador as what is called in British terms "our man in Washington" then address ought to be ,your excellency or Mr ambassador ? if you don't mind of course?

