NOORA will make a oulu of the 99.9% of the population who don't understand economics because they are not first year economic students, all they understand is the stomach clock and the clock will start running fast and when it's 10 o clock the stomach will start asking for lunch food instead of 12 0clock.
This means we can afford to buy less and eat less with the money we earn.
It's easy to explain the economics of the stomach, you eat less when you buy less, you don't put on excess weight, you walk to work, get fitter and become lean, no more diabetics, heart attacks, low clohesteral levels , less visits to the government hospitals, and the government and the NOORA BUDGET HAS SOLVED THE NATIONAL HEALTH CRISIS IN 100 days, MIRICAL CURE BY THE NOORAS, BUT THEY WILL GET THEIR OBESITY PROBLEMS SORTED ABROAD.