[FONT=" said:
انجام;4286379[/FONT]]Thanks to send us message of GhulamAhmedParwez.
you are welcome dear anjaam sb.
[FONT=" said:
انجام;4286379[/FONT]]But Quran is not come to Mr.Parwez.
Of course it was not revealed to him but it did reach him as well as ourselves. So it is up to ourselves to try our best to make proper sense of its message which we cannot unless we come to know the way to do so.
[FONT=" said:
انجام;4286379[/FONT]]If MrParwez understanding is right what is about thousands of scholars of Quran who serve Muslims.
When it comes to proper understanding of things, not all people try their best to make proper sense of things as they should and the same applies in case of the quran. This is why most people in the world are not only nonmuslims but ignorant, illiterate, uneducated and untrained even about real world realities that stare them in the face therefore they are not able to think properly for themselves and that is why our human world is the way it is. All this happens because people are born ignorant and most of them do not bother to learn things as they should or they are stopped by each other from learning to become sensible people. Even those who are literate and educated most of them are nonmuslims because on one hand we who claim to be muslims have not delivered to them the message of the quran properly and also because they too have not bothered to study the quran for themselves to understand it properly.
Not only nonmuslims have not bothered to try and make proper sense of the text of the quran but in this regard we muslims have also failed ourselves very badly and that is why ummah is in the state that it is. In fact there is no ummah and each person is for himself because muslims have lost the very ideology long time ago that turned them into an ummah or a proper human community that was an example for the rest of humanity to follow. Today people who claim to be muslims are masters and slaves of each other and concept of one family and brotherhood of humanity has been lost.
[FONT=" said:
انجام;4286379[/FONT]]His understanding is proper all others are improper? Why??
His understanding of the quranic text is not perfect either but it can help us more than understanding of anyone else that we have so far. I have explained the reasons for that in my provided links so please read there.
[FONT=" said:
انجام;4286379[/FONT]]Ur and Mr.Parwez's Following is True understanding of Islam & Quran and from Sahaba to the present all others are False/wrong.If we Follow u We r right otherwise not.Good Mr.
According to the quran, people are only and only supposed to follow the quran in this era not each other. If all follow the quran and support each other, things will be fine. Unfortunately following the quran is not easy because we cannot follow the quran unless first we individuals make proper sense of the text of the quran individually. How to make proper sense of the text of the quran is explained in detail in the provided links. If anyone else has better way of doing that please let me know as I am unaware of it despite looking for it extensively.
The problem is not with understanding of the quran by the prophet and his companions but with later generations who have distorted their proper understanding of the message in the quran. This is why we need to find a way to do the same again today or we will never be able to make proper sense of the message in the quran so we will not be able to come together ever again as a proper human community or an ummah.
regards and all the best.