Dr. Oz - Talking about his family back ground & his muslim religion

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Dr. Oz - Talking about his family back ground

It seems he is very well educated other than in matters of science, but not necessarily correct in all of his assumptions.


MPA (400+ posts)
When he said, "When you talk about the legal aspect of islam, it frustrates me.".....Precisely, this is the dilemma of modern muslim, when they see the legal aspect of islam something different than spiritual aspects of islam. Perhaps, we need some more spiritual development, in order to percieve the spirituality of the legal aspects of islam.


Minister (2k+ posts)
When he said, "When you talk about the legal aspect of islam, it frustrates me.".....Precisely, this is the dilemma of modern muslim, when they see the legal aspect of islam something different than spiritual aspects of islam. Perhaps, we need some more spiritual development, in order to percieve the spirituality of the legal aspects of islam.

میں آپ کی بات کی تائید کرتا ہوں۔ یہ مسئلہ ہر اس مسلم کا ہے جسے گھن آتی ہے شرعی قوانین اور سزاووں سے۔ شکل اور باتوں سے یہ لوگوں کو مائل کر سکتے ہیں جو کہ ایک گر ہے۔ اسی ٹائپ کی ایک مخلوق حسن نثار بھی ہمارے ہاں موجود ہے۔
اپنی باتوں سے یہ دین کے حامی نظر آتے ہیں مگر جتنا نقصان یہ لوگ پہنچاتے ہیں اتنا شائد غیر مسلم بھی نہیں پہنچاتے۔

چاک کردی ترک ناداں نے خلافت کی قبا
سادگی مسلم کی دیکھ اوروں کی عیاری بھی دیکھ۔


Dr Adam

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
He is one of my colleague here in America. Very articulated, very respectful and extremely humble person. He is amongst the best Cardio Vascular Surgeons in The United States. Despite the fact he is a busy TV star with a wide audience & viewers base he regularly performs heart surgeries. Last year alone he did 368 open heart surgeries with only 2 patients succumbing to death within 2 weeks time. This is a great achievement by any standards. Sometimes we go together to the local Mosque for our prayers.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Reality Check and who are you ? No one even knows your face or name outside of home,family or work so We Are Bunch of nobodies who thinks we r some super intellect and aqal Kul malik ,just by being keyboard warriors .

People who made some impact to get in life must have something special ,that we lack .Cause we are Just talk and TALK IS CHEAP .


MPA (400+ posts)
He said " religion is a playing field, and rules of the game does'nt matter but the actual game is the spritual connection with the humans, well is there a single game in this world which can be played without any rules. He must be following the laws of the state but when it comes to the religous law we all try to give reasons not to follow them.If you wanna play a fair game you have to obey the rules of the game.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
I will say , shame on the people who catch one negative thing and forget 99 positive things.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Not in to Sufism and all that who mostly believe you can be a part of God. He is entitled to his views but as far as I know politics in Islam can't be separated.

Dr Adam

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
@ khansabir! Hiya cheap New York taxi driver don't poke your nose into anything even your ancestors do not know about. Better you go and drive your cab. "Gaddah kayaa janee zaafran kaa bhaao". I don't know why Morons like yourself are offended on something on which you are not EVEN entitled to talk. When you taxi drivers will learn to behave on such forums?