Dr Javed Iqbal believed Bhutto court case was a judicial murder


Minister (2k+ posts)
Dr. Javed Iqbal is known to be the son who knew nothing about his 'great father' and who only 'developed misunderstanding and misconceptions' about his 'father'.

"He has been rebelliously unworshipful of his great father, Allama Iqbal."

So, how much value should we give to his 'opinion' about others???


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
it was NOT a judicial muder, this was MASHEIAT-E-ELAHI.

Ko Ko Korina

Councller (250+ posts)
Bhutto court case was not a judicial murder. Judiciary just "acted" on some one's order.

And till this day, Judiciary remains committed to
"act" on orders.

Nawaz Sharif's recent case and release is another classic example.


Minister (2k+ posts)
some good acts but he was a son of ghaddar, whole family ghaddar corrupt far from islam, responsible for east Pakistan lost.....phansi for all is the least punishment...he has gpne and Allah SWT will take care of him....we should care about covid19..

............Wahid hal ISLAMI INQELAB, sabr karo......................


Minister (2k+ posts)

had not BB smuggled blue prints for Ghauri and Ghaznavi out of North Korea under he long overcoat....................tum abhi tak atom bomb toppio pay charha rahay hotay

Hahahaha. I can only laugh at your height of ignorance. This shows that the bare-minimum knowledge you have is utterly based upon street myths. That's why you believe that the 'blue-prints of nuke-carriers were carried by BB under her long overcoat..."Hahahaha
