جس دور میں آپ ھم سانس لے رھے ھیں وہاں اخلاقیات اور پیشہ ورانہ اخلاقیات اپنے اپنے دایؑرے میں چلتی ھیں، اگر بابر اعوان رات دن ملک ریاض کے خلاف توپیں داغتے رھیں تو یہ ان کی ذاتی ترجیحات کا سوال ھو گا، لیکن اگر ملک ریاض بابر اعوان سےاپنا کیس لڑنے کی درخواست کرتے ھیں تو ایک وکیل اس سے بھاگ نھیں سکتا، اسی طرح یہ بھی سچ ھے کہ بھلے ملک ریاض سرِ عام اپنے گناھوں کا اعتراف کرتے رھیں، جب تک باقاعدہ عدالتی عمل سے ان کا جرم ثابت نھیں کیا جاتا، صرف زبانی بیان بازی پر ان کو جیل نھیں بھیجا جا سکتا۔ اور عدالتی عمل چلے گا تو ملک ریاض کو بھی ایک وکیل کرنے کا حق ھے ۔۔ یہ ملک اور معاشرہ کچھ روایات اور قوانین کے پابند ھیں۔ اگر بابر اعوان اور ملک ریاض کسی قانونی مشاورت کے ضمن میں ساتھ ساتھ تھے تو یہ عجیب نھیں، ھاں اگر ایک نے دوسرے کو دعوت میں بلا رکھا ھو تو اخلاقا" یہ درست نھیں ھو گا،
Lutfi Sahib , probably no one who has commented in this thread so far knows some politicians more than I do and offcourse I know Babar as well this being One of the benefits of living in capital for long time.
Quran says that that a man cannot have two hearts, it is not lawful for a momin lawyer if he also claims to be a Muslim to go to extra ordinary lengths to save his guilty client . This type of conduct is simply outside the bucket of Islam . He can charge fee , he can explain legal procedure , he can explain pros and cons of relevant law and possible outcomes to the guilty client but himself commandeering the guilty party's legal plane to safe landing by intense advocacy , by lying , by refuting respectable evidences , by arranging false witnesses is a conduct of satan and beyond the allowance of Islam . conversely , engaging in advocacy , all out for a victim party within realm of truth is great honour for a lawyer and exactly according to Islam .
Anglosaxon law practise in current format is very damaging to the integrity and inner core values , here in childhood you are told to do all good things in life and not to side with evil and then you become a lawyer , with murderer , rapist sitting in shackles and you as lawyer do apply every neuron to save him , so apply every energy in your blood to help him , you therefore deserve the lowest of the hell as such efforts are replicated in severity and strenousness only by the satan itself
No body can equate private practise of doctors with lawyers , doctors are not supposed to be hurting any opposite party and even removing of the bullet from dacoit is meant to hand him over to the law.
Babar Awan's problems are not unique , here is a man who when grows up finds himself near destitute , who had precious few helping hands, he made every thing himself , he wanted to be everything ,
Mullah , lawyer , politician , strategy maker , body builder, party man , ladies man , father , money machine , conservative , liberal , phd , philosopher etc etc. He was probably loyal to Benazir , he distributed sweets when her father was hanged. He adores his senior advocate Maulvi Sahib , he likes fun . Like old people trying to do PHD there had to be a onliner or parttimer some where . Offcourse how can a person with so many responsibilities evaporate to some place for three years at this age. This Phd cost him his career along with proximity to Zardari .
Benazir did not want Zardari released when he was in PIMS hospital as she feared that he will interfere with her children's upbringing in UAE and UK.
Babar's tragedy is that he wants to be everything .
Malik Riaz is a leading philanthropist of Pakistan , most of the allegations against this man relate to high handedness and even violence used to eject people by the third man standing along with Babar and Riaz . This third man has many serious crimes allegations against his brother . In my view the whole press conference is an effort to save this third man whose alleged activities were similar to that of Altaf Bahi , but on a much smaller scale . May be army wants to him on and this the reaction. May be agencies asked Babar to fight this case so that agencies can keep a hold on case .
This third man , a former deputy chairman senate is making a mistake by employing Babar for Malik Riaz , because I know he is a Babar rival .