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I think parliamentary democracy has failed Pakistan, we should have Presidential form of Government like US which should be overlooked by Islamic System.
Egypt has presidential system and they are doing really good? System is nothing but it is us who are failing every system.
Egypt has presidential system and they are doing really good? System is nothing but it is us who are failing every system.
Egypt is having problem not because of system,reason is the new constitution which was brought in by Morsi....kindly read news before you start explaining.
Pakistan mostly ruled by presidents not by prime ministers. It is not system but we are the problem. Parliamentary system is the best and successful all around the world and best example is India.
When Presidents were in Power was constitution given to Pakistan democratically ? Presidents who have ruled Pakistan were often Military Generals...rather then saying that we have dictatorships we said we have President...Same was issue with Egypt first Nasir was there then Hasni Mubarak...
That's why I am saying that kindly read before giving views........
Why it is not changing and it will never change even if u leave this current system running forever
, ho is jamhuriat oor us ke supporters pe
Then how you are blaming parliamentary system when most of time dictators rules this country. Parliamentary system is the best and most suitable for our country where we have many languages and cultures and trust between them is near to none.
جموریت پر تم لعنت بیج رہے ہو اس کے بارے میں کیا خیال ہے ؟
As the doc. said we need education/awareness!!In the end its the people who make any system corrupt or workable.
A system is as good as the people managing it and the people who are part of it.
You can change the system all you want but unless you change the mindset of the people even the best system won't work in Pakistan.
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