Dr Atta ur Rehman calls for changing the corrupt political system


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I think parliamentary democracy has failed Pakistan, we should have Presidential form of Government like US which should be overlooked by Islamic System.


Minister (2k+ posts)
I think parliamentary democracy has failed Pakistan, we should have Presidential form of Government like US which should be overlooked by Islamic System.

Egypt has presidential system and they are doing really good? System is nothing but it is us who are failing every system.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
In the end its the people who make any system corrupt or workable.

A system is as good as the people managing it and the people who are part of it.

You can change the system all you want but unless you change the mindset of the people even the best system won't work in Pakistan.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Egypt has presidential system and they are doing really good? System is nothing but it is us who are failing every system.

Egypt is having problem not because of system,reason is the new constitution which was brought in by Morsi....kindly read news before you start explaining.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Egypt has presidential system and they are doing really good? System is nothing but it is us who are failing every system.

You make a very valid point that its not only the system but the people but its a fact that given the two forms of democratic system prevalent in the world today the presidential system is more suitable for Pakistan.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Egypt is having problem not because of system,reason is the new constitution which was brought in by Morsi....kindly read news before you start explaining.

Pakistan mostly ruled by presidents not by prime ministers. It is not system but we are the problem. Parliamentary system is the best and successful all around the world and best example is India.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistan mostly ruled by presidents not by prime ministers. It is not system but we are the problem. Parliamentary system is the best and successful all around the world and best example is India.

When Presidents were in Power was constitution given to Pakistan democratically ? Presidents who have ruled Pakistan were often Military Generals...rather then saying that we have dictatorships we said we have President...Same was issue with Egypt first Nasir was there then Hasni Mubarak...

That's why I am saying that kindly read before giving views........


Lolz....just another newly educated urban middle classiya who thinks he is an expert on politics. BTW what is his qualification ? Any degree in politics ? Oh yeah the reason seems to be jealousy against the rural agriculture class. Looks like someone fooled him in his younger days "parho gay likho gay bano gay nawab" and now he is facing the ultimate reality that he is a complete idiot. The system isn't the problem dude, its the advice given to you during your younger days which misled you ! ;)

To be renowned in the eyes of the voters you have to sacrifice your leisurely time with them, your blood, your happiness. You have to help them when they are troubled, share their sorrows, feed them when hungry, clothes and shelter and so on. And above all yeh baazi khoon ki baazi hai !
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Minister (2k+ posts)
When Presidents were in Power was constitution given to Pakistan democratically ? Presidents who have ruled Pakistan were often Military Generals...rather then saying that we have dictatorships we said we have President...Same was issue with Egypt first Nasir was there then Hasni Mubarak...

That's why I am saying that kindly read before giving views........

Then how you are blaming parliamentary system when most of time dictators rules this country. Parliamentary system is the best and most suitable for our country where we have many languages and cultures and trust between them is near to none.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Why it is not changing and it will never change even if u leave this current system running forever, laan.at ho is jamhuriat oor us ke supporters pe


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Why it is not changing and it will never change even if u leave this current system running forever
, laan.at ho is jamhuriat oor us ke supporters pe
جموریت پر تم لعنت بیج رہے ہو اس کے بارے میں کیا خیال ہے ؟



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
every time dictator came it was because of these Leaders, when Ayub came it was because everything was going out of control and skinder MIrza called himself while in England that I am a play boy, Zia came because he was unfairly promoted by Bhutto over many senior generals, zia was not fit for being a General but was promoted by Bhutto, thinking that he will be safe with Zia as he previously was in the cabinet of Ayub. Musharraf came because N.S totally made Pakistan and its Amy look stupid when the fact was that he was aware of every thing in and about Kargil, but refuse to accept it so Indian took full advantage of it and when offered dead soldier back to Pakistan, N.S, refuse to take the dead back saying they are not out people, what a heart breaking thing to do. So please think clearly and fairly other wise this cycle of selfish and nincompoop leaders will never end.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Then how you are blaming parliamentary system when most of time dictators rules this country. Parliamentary system is the best and most suitable for our country where we have many languages and cultures and trust between them is near to none.

Since Parliamentary system came we have seen our country breaking in half, we have seen corruption in our country just to ensure that one always has Parliamentary majority....In Presidential form of Govt you don't need to have majority always and secondly you can choose your own cabinet.....no need for horse trading inside the house.

One major issue with Parliamentary form of Govt in our country is that we don't realise how much literate are we.....choosing Raja Parvaiz & Gilani as Prime Minister and now Nawaz tells the whole story....

Our Parliamentary system is still totally outdated, if you can win all seats in one Province you can rule the entire nation...why not to have many provinces ? why not dissolution of Power ? if Parliamentary system is so good why not to have Party based LG elections in Punjab.

Reason we have chosen this system is because it suits our politicians and it gives them idea on how they can sell themselves for more money.

Our Parliament and specially cabinet is full of nincompoops....don't we have better men in our country to rule us ? for how long we are going to be ruled by same people again and again....don't we deserve the best....

In Parliamentary form of Govt you will find "Dahi Balay wall" as President, Mental Patient "Zardari" as President and "Shahbaz" who is mentally sick as Chief Minister.....and at the end of the day a guy who thinks that entire country can get jobs with Yellow Taxis as Prime Minister "Nawaz".

Honestly you can come up with many things just to prove your argument but reality is something we have all withnessed in the form of Parliamentary Govt over last dour decades.

I personally think either we should have US style of Govt which is under Islamic Law or Chineese Style of Govt which is under Islamic Law....Democracy is not suitable for our country till we have higher literacy rates and people don't vote for "Plate of Biryani"..


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
جموریت پر تم لعنت بیج رہے ہو اس کے بارے میں کیا خیال ہے ؟


Yaar Barca, everything is for sale in our country and that's the most unfortunate thing....I personally think that till the time we will not get rid of all those people who were either Generals in last three decades, Politicians who have been associated with Govt in last three decades, bureaucrat who were in power over last three decades and Judges & Lawyers over last three decades we won't be able to make our country a Great country.

Don't you agree !!


Councller (250+ posts)
In the end its the people who make any system corrupt or workable.

A system is as good as the people managing it and the people who are part of it.

You can change the system all you want but unless you change the mindset of the people even the best system won't work in Pakistan.
As the doc. said we need education/awareness!!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Education is per-requisite for any good system of government. Otherwise you are just catching fish in a pound of pee


Minister (2k+ posts)
Dr. Qadri was right before and he will be right again in coming days. So stand behind him for the sake of Pakistan.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
آپ لوگوں کو کتني بار سمجھاؤں کہ اس ابليسي نظام حکومت ميں پاکستاني عوام کو کبھي بھي کچھ نہيں ملے گا او بھائي يہ نظام حکومت تمھارے لئے نہيں بنايا گيا يہ تو وڈيروں جاگيرداروں سرمايہ داروں صنعتکاروں زمينداروں اور حکمرانوں کے لئے بنا ہے
اس نظام حکومت ميں غريب کو ہي سزا دي جائے گي جبکہ صدر وزيراعظم گورنر وزراء اعلي وزراء مشراء افسران کومکمل استشني حاصل ہوگا
