Dr AQ Khan's Advice to the Nation - "Do take part in the elections and help elect good, honest, capa


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)

In his latest column , Dr Abdul Qadeer warned Pakistan people about corrupt government and Hypocrate Opposition of PMLN. He does not directly say it but Inshallah he would cast his vote to PTI too....The change is bound to happen .... Inshallah I will vote for PTI... Here is Dr Sahab's today's column.



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MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Dr Abdul Qadeer advise to Pakistani people for casting their votes in next Election

Dr. AQ khan ka ishara Imran Khan ke taraf hay and im 100% agree.


MPA (400+ posts)
Dr AQ Khan's Advice to the Nation. A MUST Read!

I have requested this before, and I am requesting it again-please guard the sanctity of your votes, do take part in the elections and help elect good, honest, capable representatives. If we all fail to do so, mark my words, we will one day repent having been born in this country and being its citizens. Our main cities will be bombed by drones, the country will be infiltrated by foreign agents and, to say nothing of roti, kapra aur nmakaan, there will not even be grass to eat.

It will become difficult to find shrouds and burial places and we will be cursing ourselves even more loudly than we are doing today. The rulers are clearly putting the onus on you for electing them, thereby giving them the mandate to rule as the wish. They hold you responsible for their own actions.

AQ Khan


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Dr Abdul Qadeer advise to Pakistani people for casting their votes in next Election

I think AQ Khan wants to stay a neutral person so not to loose any public support but he openly does talk against the status-quo of PPPP and PMLN


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Dr Abdul Qadeer advise to Pakistani people for casting their votes in next Election

I think AQ Khan wants to stay a neutral person so not to loose any public support but he openly does talk against the status-quo of PPPP and PMLN

Eevn Ik does not want DR A Q Khan to join his party although Dr A Q Khan has announced to support PTI as an outsider couple of months ago. DR A Q KHAN is a national hero and IK knows that ppl from Noora league will start speaking rubbish about him if he joins PTI thatsy he says DR A Q Khan should not join any political party and i agree with him....
