Donald Trump Halts U.S. Funding of the World Health Organization

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Zara check Karo kahin yeh shobaz se dramaybaazi ko nahi seekh that Raha?

Kyu ke asi dramaybaazi sirf Showbaz ko kerte huway dekhi hai


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Thousands of Americans died because of Trump's incompetence.He is trying to divert attention now.This idiot always blames others.Anyway there are plenty of rich countries who can increase their contributions.EU,China,Japan,S Korea and rich Arab countries can easily pay more.It is not a big amount of money .


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Stupidity at its peak..Trump is only man who can fu..ked USA within years.He needs more 4 years to do this...China..Russia..others countries come forward to support WHO..There should be debate start..around the world..why not USA kick out from UN.and it's related organisations to save the world??As US using UN for invading others countries.. killing millions..used WHO as tools for CIA covered operations..Used WTO pressure others...UN will better performed without USA..Check the reality..


Senator (1k+ posts)
Great step by the president. Other countries are giving just peanuts share in WHO. Few are saying here China will happily increase their share. China is cheap as shit. Will never do.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Stupidity at its peak..Trump is only man who can fu..ked USA within years.He needs more 4 years to do this...China..Russia..others countries come forward to support WHO..There should be debate start..around the world..why not USA kick out from UN.and it's related organisations to save the world??As US using UN for invading others countries.. killing millions..used WHO as tools for CIA covered operations..Used WTO pressure others...UN will better performed without USA..Check the reality..

americans are not fools , tell your china to give money .
