Does anyone know scandal agaist Cheif Justice


Senator (1k+ posts)
Today, Capital talk Hamid Mir and Imran Khan disscussed about a scandal brewing against Cheif Justice.

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Minister (2k+ posts)
He had allegations regarding his son's induction in to police service through abuse of power, Musharraf used the same case to malign him but didn't succeed.


Minister (2k+ posts)
If one is not there ... can be created any min ... rahman malik and that faisal abdi are what for ?? fozia wahab wass no less but she is on death bed now ... so in short they can go to any extend to save this corrupt system ... but question is not that ... today's question is that how far he can go to stop this ... how far we can go to defend not CJ not IK but Pakistan ... and the future of our children ... or like past we will still wait n watch like 11 years of mush ...


One is his son's appointment, nepotism
2. His son refueled his private car on Govt's expenditure,which was not authorized (The monthly quota of fuel, bureaucrats get)
3. Chief Justice is a cousin to PMLNs rana sana ullah so most probably I believe they will use PMLNs Rana Sana ullah to attack CJ and the 10 acre land gifted by NS to CJ in Lahore.

Most probably I assume, they'l make Rana Sana Ullah the scapegoat and attack Judiciary (PMLN-PP JOINT CONSPIRACY AGAINST PTI)


Minister (2k+ posts)
This chief justice is not angel. He run to the court at 1 am night time after watching dr shahid masood program to save is job.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
well.he did use his influence to further his sons career.its fully true allegation.
but pakistanis like corrupt people at top.
because if a person fully follows islam and has no corruption on his hands than he is labelled "terrorist" here and becomes a missing person
