Do you think that the Party leadership is responsible for fake degrees of elected members?

Do you think that the Party leadership is responsible for fake degrees of elected members?

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Do you think that the Party leadership is responsible for fake degrees of elected members?

Rana Tahir Mahmood

Senator (1k+ posts)
I feel no need to write anything about the thread that everybody knows about the capability and influence of these corrupt politicians and our government machinery. They have made a unity against the common man of Pakistan to deprive them from contributing any of their skill towards the development of the country except the corruption of the political Mafia.


Minister (2k+ posts)
PML(N) leadership can not be blamed for that. They did not have time to prepare for elections since KUNJAR would not let them in. Shareefs came to Pakistan a day before the last day for submitting nomination papers. So Shareefs had no time to give tickets to proper people.
Yes, next time they could be held responsible.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I don't think any of the party had a clue that they will be such dire straits.

But Great News for Nation
We can get rid of a big chunk of corrupt legislators.
One more verdict from SC that people who had loans written off or have done a plea bargain with NAB are not eligible,
Half our Assembly is cleaned. Let pray for it.
