Folks, be watchful of TUQ's gameplan who's as unreliable, untrustworthy and dubious (his past, going back to his days at the Punjab Univ) as Mr.10% & CTBT ...
Nonetheless, I do feel that IK will sooner or later have to make some critical decisions including how long he can pull with this broken system. Einstein reportedly said: “we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Band-aid solutions don’t work when the patient has a gangrene eating up the bones and flesh, just as simple trouble-shooting may not help when your pc is dead. Our system is now rotten to its core that self-perpetuates and protects few vested interests only; a change and revival from within this rotten system is increasingly becoming difficult.
Secondly, the International Establishment will continue to have a vested interest in using Pakistan as a strategic outpost to emasculate Pakistan itself as well as neighbouring Iran and China, meaning thereby that Pakistan’s political and economic problems would likely compound in the foreseeable future and the Establishment plus evergreen political leaders and Independent media would continue to advance the Imperialist interests (under the false belief of guarding our teetering unity, integrity and assets, but infact only guarding themselves); as a result of which the future elections would also be ‘staged’ and ‘engineered’… that is, the chances of IK/PTI winning a clear majority in the centre and running a federal government with its control on both internal and external security policies are almost next to impossible.
Thirdly, unfortunately, IK has gotten himself surrounded in/outside the party by some Establishment proxies, who want to use IK to either advance the kind of "controlled change" (just as the "controlled change" advanced in Zia’s “Guided Democracy” or Ayub’s “Basic Democracies” - their pendulum is stuck) that the Establishment deems fit, or else turn IK into a status quo politician of this rotten system like the rest of the lot (with suboptimal performance in the centre/provinces).
The clock is ticking fast…