Do Saudis Goverment indulge in Shirq & Bidha????.......Say Not Yet Ready For Women Voting


My question is... who decide Women voting is legal in Islam or not?


March 29, 2011
Authorities in Saudi Arabia say they are not yet ready for women citizens voting in elections in the Gulf Arab kingdom.

Electoral committee chief Abdulrahman al-Dahmash on March 28 pledged that women will be able to vote in a future election -- but he said preparations have not been completed for their participation in the upcoming municipal polls. No further details were given.

Reuters reports that voter registration for the municipal elections is due to open in April, with voting in September.

Saudi Arabia held its first municipal polls in 2005, with only men voting.

Another vote was due to be held in 2009, but the government announced a delay of two years.

Allah Subhanahu wa-ta'ala will never forgive shirq


Senator (1k+ posts)
they didn't say its against Islam. its an administrative decision .don't act like non Muslims who relate every issue with Islam and try to defame it


Senator (1k+ posts)
in Pakistan women and men can go to vote but they dont bother to go for casting vote (and late criticize govt. as well). our turn out is round about 40 percent which is shameful .this percentage is even lower in women.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What women voting has to do with Shirk or Bidh ?????

Dont link everything which you like with Islam.

Straight up yourself, dont blame the religion.
Are you following as you are required to.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Unites States was a very clean place until they allow women to start voting. This is how Free Mason have accomplished their goal in the US which they want also to happen in Islamic countries specially in Saudia. After all they do want Mecca and Medina to become filthy cities.

First they will ask for rights to vote

then they will bring their choice candidate in the ministries. The ruler ministers will owe it all to the women so they will propose changes in laws to favor women

Then women will form Women's Lib

Then they will bring makhloot work where men/women work together

Then they will form NOW (National Organization of Women)

Then they will demand equal opportunity for employment, which I am not againt. If they must work, get paid equal for the same job

Then they will start acting in TV dramas where producers will force women to gradually increase how much women show their body on TV in th ename of 'public likes it' pretense. Its happening right now, seen t on ARY how gradually producers are forcing women to bounce, and wiggle their breasts.

Then they will lobby to change dress codes. Before you know it, they will walking around in shorts and tank tops if not only bras.

Then, because of high cost of living, they will lobby for common-in-law living men/women in one apartment to 'share the cost'

Then they will start having unwanted pregnancies . There will be 1000's of children roaming the streets, schools who dont know who their father is

Then they will become pro-choice. They will demand law change to allow them to have abortions because they are single and can not afford to quit the job.

Then they will become a proud single mothers. Will lobby for social and financial assistance from the govt. Sit at pc all day and find more ways to spread divorce and other vices amongst other women.

by the way, dating, hugging, kissing have already become common in public by this time.

The bas tards born due to common-in-law arrangement are now adults. They will do the same.

The whole cycle repeats. The bas stards will not be willing to hear any reasoning, and wouldnt want to give up the 'freedom' that their parents have 'enjoyed'

The whole saga continues for generations. Islam from their hearts and homes has been tossed out the windows because they are 'FREE'

An American friend said to me correctly: The worst thing we ever did was to allow women to vote

I hope y'all get the picture. This vote garbage in Saudia is just a Free Mason attempt to lay the foundation for ruining an Islamic society

Did I forget to mention consumption of alcohol and drugs becoming a common thing amongst women? Oh well I thought you would have known that
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Yes no vote for women.
But ok for Men of the royal clan to rob the country dry and hand it over to the US as a protectorate.

Barri mardangi hay je..wah je wah.
Kia ghairat hay!

Gazoo kabhi mujhay block list say nikalay tau mein iski tabiat saaf keron.

Per phatto hay boht. Jawab nahi sun sakta bas lambi lambi chawalain marta rehta hay! :p
