Did we go to the moon ?


MPA (400+ posts)
I saw this thread "Sunita William" - 1st indain lady who went to moon accepts Islam And was surprised that how misinformed we really are. The last person that went to the moon was back in 1972 Apolo . After that no one went to the moon, i wanted to know why no one ever went back to the moon and found out that we actually can not go to the moon because of Van Allen radiation belt . A question that comes to your mind is how come if we can not go to the moon today but some how we were able to went there in 1969 - 1972. I had also heard the rumer that Neil armstrong accepted islam after going to the moon. But that is not the case infact he almost never attended a public meeting. well you decide if these words really impress you.


Documentary - Moon Landing Hoax - Conspiracy Theory - part (1)

Documentary - Moon Landing Hoax - Conspiracy Theory - part (2)

Documentary - Moon Landing Hoax - Conspiracy Theory - part (3)

Documentary - Moon Landing Hoax - Conspiracy Theory - part (4)

Documentary - Moon Landing Hoax - Conspiracy Theory - part (5)

Nepali Pandit

MPA (400+ posts)
There are those who love conspiracy theories. I know, you can't help it. But you can't imagine how funny it sounds to me........ Soon china and India are planning to go to moon. So, wait bit more and come up with new theories.


MPA (400+ posts)
All those who have so far calimed to have landed on moon and are trying to go to moon, I have a pledge. Please take all your people and live on moon and leave the earth so that we can have a peaceful life here.
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
All those who have so far calimed to have landed on moon and are trying to go to moon, I have a pledge. Please take all your people and live on moon and leave the earth so that we can have a peaceful life here.

and take Nepali Pundit and other Indians to LOL


Minister (2k+ posts)
There are those who love conspiracy theories. I know, you can't help it. But you can't imagine how funny it sounds to me........ Soon china and India are planning to go to moon. So, wait bit more and come up with new theories.

China is fine buuuuuttt Ya moo aur masoor ke daal , Bandar kia janay adrak ka swaad [hilar]:lol:[hilar]
