Despite overall decline in global generosity, Pakistan makes it to top 10


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

Pakistan climbs 14 spots on World Giving Index 2017

In this photograph taken on December 6, 2010 Abdul Sattar Edhi, head of Pakistani's Edhi foundation holds a disabled orphan at the orphanage of the charity in Karachi. PHOTO: AFP

Pakistan climbed up 14 places in the World Giving Index 2017, making it to the top 10 generous countries despite a declining trend across continents in global giving.

The eighth edition, released by the Charities Aid Foundation and based on a global poll of 146, 000 respondents of the survey by Gallup, ranked the country at 78 in 2017 when it was at placed at 92 last year.

Pakistan ranks high on list of helping strangers

Constructed around willingness of a country’s native in donating money, helping a stranger and volunteering time to help others, Pakistan scored 47 per cent, 31 per cent and 12 per cent. Consequently making it to the top 10 in donating money where it is ranked fifth, and helping a stranger, ranked seventh.

The survey found that the donating money and helping a stranger rate fell by nearly two per cent while volunteering dropped one per cent. But generosity in developing countries, specifically Africa, was seen to be at a rise.

“This year, all developed countries in the top 20 most generous show a fall,” writes Sir John Low, CEO of CAF. “But across the continent of Africa, giving is on the rise.”

“Last year’s report found that giving habits in Africa had recorded a positive shift after several years of little change. Africa has this year gone against the global downward trend and is the only continent to see an increase in all three giving behaviours when compared to its five-year average score,” he added.

Interestingly, western countries saw a sharp decline in 2017 with New Zealand, the United States, Australia, Canada, Ireland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Malta, Iceland, Germany and Norway losing between one and five percentage points. While “scores for the continents of Europe, Asia and Oceania are lower than their five-year averages, Asia specifically has seen a decline in all three giving behaviours,” according to CAF.

Express Tribune


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
These news reports citing some unknown reports and claiming pakistan as they most generous country of the universe are fake and bogus.

Even if we are the most generous there is no way of measuring that because charity and donation activities are all undocumented.


Voter (50+ posts)
I am agree with you, but you shared 2014 report, in latest report (link given at news website). Pakistan ranked 5th and 7th in two categories. But unfortunately this ranking was not the result of percentage of helping hands, and neither for the donated amount, but due to its population. And when you talk about population India stood 1st.

Regarding percentage Pakistan's ranking is 78th. And there is nothing in it to being proud about !

I needed something to brag about my country and checked the whole report, Pakistan is around 45th to 36th place.
here is the full report.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I am the most fortunate person who has personally seen in this world a pious person Abdul Sattar Edhi, who will directly go to JANNAT-UL-Firdous.

Simultaneously, I am the most UNFORTUNATE person who has seen in this world the BEASTS like Zradari and both Sharifs' families, who will INSHA'ALLAH directly go to JAHANUM. Ameen.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I am agree with you, but you shared 2014 report, in latest report (link given at news website). Pakistan ranked 5th and 7th in two categories. But unfortunately this ranking was not the result of percentage of helping hands, and neither for the donated amount, but due to its population. And when you talk about population India stood 1st.

Regarding percentage Pakistan's ranking is 78th. And there is nothing in it to being proud about !

Because of BEASTS like Zardari, his cronies and both Nawaz, Shahbaz and their families.
