Democracy Is.............


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

My question to all members Do we have democracy if not then what system do we have in Pakistan. ??


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Very old Question?

We will repeat same answer.

Go and just ask this question to the suiciding families with hunger or the suicide attacked family or the drone attacked family or the family of target killing victim .


we have baadshaahi system in pakistan. baadshah zardari saab and baadshah sharif saab. and they both are son and dad to each other. one steps down other one is ready to take over and vice versa.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Decide for your self which of these systems we have, or we want. I vote for republic based on Quran.



(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
we have baadshaahi system in pakistan. baadshah zardari saab and baadshah sharif saab. and they both are son and dad to each other. one steps down other one is ready to take over and vice versa.

right. absolutely right

Rana Tahir Mahmood

Senator (1k+ posts)
In Pakistan, we have no pure democracy, no pure Islamic rule, no pure tribal system, no pure feudal system and not pure kingship but we have a mixture of all these. Where we(ruling class) find it is advantageous to us we apply that. In other words "might is right" type of system is in action in Pakistan.
