Court rejects Faryal Talpur's appeal seeking restoration of bank accounts


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
اب اطہر بن دلہ یا لوہار کورٹ کا کوئی گشتی زادہ یا فائز عیسیٰ یہ اکاؤنٹ بھی کھول دے گا ان راتب خوروں کو ا نہوں نے ہڈی اور راتب ڈال ڈال کر پلا ہے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
everything is least you are hearing few good decisions not like in the past aall the decisions were in favor of these looters, hope for the best

What good decision..these looters will get their hands on their money one way or another in the future..the right decision would be to ask the govt to have control of their money as these looters have failed to justify..
