counter culture? Many pakistani youth giving up Islam

yeh mera india

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
ISLAMABAD: A handful of Pakistani Muslim youths are beginning to question the existence of God and in the process giving up Islam to become atheists.

Still a small number, the trend seems to be telling of pressures that the image of militant Islam has had on them. A Facebook group has been floated for Pakistan's agnostics and atheists by Hazrat NaKhuda, a former Pakistani Muslim.

At last count, the group had over a 100 members. In a thread started on the discussion board on "How did you become an atheist", Hazrat writes, "I used to be a practicing Muslim. I used to live in Saudi Arabia. I have done two Hajs and countless Umrahs. Used to pray five times a day. When I turned 17-18, I realized that the only reason I was a Muslim was because my parents were Muslims".

Hazrat is a young computer programmer from Lahore. Ahmed Zaidi (name changed), another member, posted on the discussion board: "I'm an agnostic simply because I see little or no evidence for the existence of God. Some time ago I decided that I'd never believe anything unless it has a firm basis in reason and as far as I know (and I admit I know very little and there's much to be learnt), there's little or no evidence for the existence of God."

The group, open strictly to members, has young Pakistani students studying in New York University to Oxford University to the prestigious Lahore University of Management Sciences as members.

Nawab Zia (name changed) wrote that the moot question is not "how did you become an atheist" but "how did you become a believer". Every child is born free and pure" Ali Rana (name changed), who loved Islamic preacher Zakir Nair and hated author Salman Rushdie, has had a change of heart too. He now thinks Nair is an "idiot" and Rushdie a genius. There are other threads on how the members "wasted" their years as theists.

More serious issues, like whether there should a column marked "no religion" while applying for passports, have also been discussed. "Last time I went to get my passport renewed, I found there is no option called "no religion". Next time I go to make my passport I don't want to put in Islam as my religion," said one member.

What connects members, who range from students to computer professionals to architects, is their urgent need to question religion.

Read more: Counter culture? Many Pak youths giving up Islam - Pakistan - World - The Times of India


Minister (2k+ posts)
ISLAMABAD: A handful of Pakistani Muslim youths are beginning to question the existence of God and in the process giving up Islam to become atheists.

Still a small number, the trend seems to be telling of pressures that the image of militant Islam has had on them. A Facebook group has been floated for Pakistan's agnostics and atheists by Hazrat NaKhuda, a former Pakistani Muslim.

At last count, the group had over a 100 members. In a thread started on the discussion board on "How did you become an atheist", Hazrat writes, "I used to be a practicing Muslim. I used to live in Saudi Arabia. I have done two Hajs and countless Umrahs. Used to pray five times a day. When I turned 17-18, I realized that the only reason I was a Muslim was because my parents were Muslims".

Hazrat is a young computer programmer from Lahore. Ahmed Zaidi (name changed), another member, posted on the discussion board: "I'm an agnostic simply because I see little or no evidence for the existence of God. Some time ago I decided that I'd never believe anything unless it has a firm basis in reason and as far as I know (and I admit I know very little and there's much to be learnt), there's little or no evidence for the existence of God."

The group, open strictly to members, has young Pakistani students studying in New York University to Oxford University to the prestigious Lahore University of Management Sciences as members.

Nawab Zia (name changed) wrote that the moot question is not "how did you become an atheist" but "how did you become a believer". Every child is born free and pure" Ali Rana (name changed), who loved Islamic preacher Zakir Nair and hated author Salman Rushdie, has had a change of heart too. He now thinks Nair is an "idiot" and Rushdie a genius. There are other threads on how the members "wasted" their years as theists.

More serious issues, like whether there should a column marked "no religion" while applying for passports, have also been discussed. "Last time I went to get my passport renewed, I found there is no option called "no religion". Next time I go to make my passport I don't want to put in Islam as my religion," said one member.

What connects members, who range from students to computer professionals to architects, is their urgent need to question religion.

Another piece of crap from an Indian newspaper.

Hazaaron khwahishain aisi ke har khwahish pay dam niklay.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I would not believe these sites. There are many similar sites telling stories of people saying how and when they changed from Islam but then what they write is interesting as one said he even entered the kaaba. Look at this one and the first guy had already done 2 hajjs by 17???

This is all rubbish and of course our Indian brethren will be happy and we can see that. Any thing to take their minds off of Kashmir, Punjab, Naga Land, Nepal, Maoists, . . . .


i know it hurts. but if you see the reality. things are changing in pakistan. people dont fear anymore of the judgement day. they dont even believe in Allah anymore (Naoozubillah). otherwise pakistan wouldnt have been in the condition it is. if you see around in news what is happening in pakistan is very sad. killing people in front of a big crowd. the situation in flood. everything is just sad. they dont even believe that one day they will die and will have to face their Creator. may Allah shows each of us the right path and be merciful upon us. AAmeen



Minister (2k+ posts)
If u want to know what is IMAAN & YAQEEN, do watch this clip, insha ALLAH u will get the idea, how beautifully ISLAM has pointed out the way of success. In the last u will hear reply to aethists.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Sorry for late posting, i was watching it myself. My brother have just emailed them to me. jaza-k-ALLAH to all.


Minister (2k+ posts)
i know it hurts. but if you see the reality. things are changing in pakistan. people dont fear anymore of the judgement day. they dont even believe in Allah anymore (Naoozubillah). otherwise pakistan wouldnt have been in the condition it is. if you see around in news what is happening in pakistan is very sad. killing people in front of a big crowd. the situation in flood. everything is just sad. they dont even believe that one day they will die and will have to face their Creator. may Allah shows each of us the right path and be merciful upon us. AAmeen


Problem with us is lack of justice. People sill believe in Allah but they know that no one will catch and punish them. If they have forgotten the day of judgement it doesn't mean that they don't believe in Allah.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Bons bhai, i think as i have listened to some of the lectures of Ulema & hazrats, my conclusion is that WHAT EVER HARDSHIP YOU DO ON ANYTHING IT WILL GET IMPACT INTO YOUR HEART. Meaning, if u work hard on wordly things you will get their importance in your heart, similarly if you work hard on ALLAH's will, you will get HIS importance in your heart. Thats the key.
We are involved in so much worldy acts that we while believing on ALLAH & JUDGEMENT DAY, there is no effect of it on our daily lives, we cheat, we lie, we stole, we kill & many more. So to overcome these devilish acts we have to realign ourselves with ALLAH & the way of Prophet PBUH in our daily lives. We practice ISLAM & SUNNAH in masjid only but after coming out of it we start acting on our own, that is what we think is best or what suits us best. Thats the problem. Also some due to bad habbits (like GALIYAN, LIES, BACK BITING etc) makes it worst.
May ALLAH give us hidayat & make us practising muslims.


Voter (50+ posts)
this news should be taken seriously even it spread-ed by the enemy. i have seen lot of people in Pak and Pakistani origin abroad running away from the religion.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Bons bhai, i think as i have listened to some of the lectures of Ulema & hazrats, my conclusion is that WHAT EVER HARDSHIP YOU DO ON ANYTHING IT WILL GET IMPACT INTO YOUR HEART. Meaning, if u work hard on wordly things you will get their importance in your heart, similarly if you work hard on ALLAH's will, you will get HIS importance in your heart. Thats the key.
We are involved in so much worldy acts that we while believing on ALLAH & JUDGEMENT DAY, there is no effect of it on our daily lives, we cheat, we lie, we stole, we kill & many more. So to overcome these devilish acts we have to realign ourselves with ALLAH & the way of Prophet PBUH in our daily lives. We practice ISLAM & SUNNAH in masjid only but after coming out of it we start acting on our own, that is what we think is best or what suits us best. Thats the problem. Also some due to bad habbits (like GALIYAN, LIES, BACK BITING etc) makes it worst.
May ALLAH give us hidayat & make us practising muslims.

Dear biomat bhai,
You are right. Actually in our environment invitation to shaitani acts is more than Rehmani acts. Thats why our minds tilts toward that. We need to spend more time in good society and good friends.

Zeeshan Khan

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Religious freedom and the choice to change should be left to the person. N one can expect or force someone to belong to a specific religion.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
its hard to believe, haqeeqat yehi hai, yeh sub jo ho raha hai is ki wajja se kuchh log baag rahe hain, bache darte hain.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Salam bhai Zeeshan & Magic.
Did u watched the videos i posted, who is forcing whom. Those who are running away from ISLAM are afraid to sacrifice their NAFAS against the will of ALLAH.
You are right in a sense that CHOICE is on all individuals. Please note that after death there is no coming again, so there is one chance. Make it or spoil it.
Its upto you. Jaza-k-ALLAH.

sarbakaf - Blogger
aray biomat
yar when was last time when you used ur brain ?
o bhai ....our ancestors were hindus and we reverted to islam ....i.e billions of muslim in subcontinent today .....not all of them migrated from Arab ....most of our ancestors were non muslim ...Alhumdullillah we are muslim for generations now

what difference will it make if 2- 5- 10 or even 1000 are stupid enough to leave will neither effect islam nor muslim nor pakistan....
but it will surely effect those stupid people as on the day of judgement they will be counted amoung worshippers of monkey , snake , elephent , male organs....just like bio-mat and co.....

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Dear biomat bhai,
You are right. Actually in our environment invitation to shaitani acts is more than Rehmani acts. Thats why our minds tilts toward that. We need to spend more time in good society and good friends.

Ironic but it is true, lake of Islamic education and some of the influence of the friends and their company.
