May Allah s.w.t protect us from idiots and fools like this who create videos like this.
Humans have fear of certain things because it played a useful role in our evolution. If humans did not have fear of lions and hyenas, we probably would have gone extinct.
Fear is a useful emotion sometimes. It forces people to action and precaution. If people didn't fear the virus and go out and do what they want, it will bring us one more step closer to extinction.
May Allah s.w.t protect us from idiots and fools like this who create videos like this.
For people like this there is only one test. Go walk on to a busy highway with your eyes closed. Why do you fear getting run over by a car? You should fear the one who gave us the ability to manufacture that car, right? And nothing happens without his will right? So if Allah has not willed it you will not for right?
What happens to all your Muslim faith in such situations?
A third world country trying to ape first world ......when is this madness going to end......does Pakistan have the means to feed all the masses doing nothing and locked shows low mortality rate .........take the country back to normal n start workingcouldn't have put it better!!
Discretion is the better part of valor.
It's discretion, not fear. I hope sensible Muslims understand the difference between the two.
Discretion and Caution are the order of the day. Don't be so hasty to lead the nation to an unwanted consequence. Your question has the answer "data shows low mortality rate...". How was this low mortality rate achieved so far? by being cautious, not by being Boris Johnson and Donald Trump or Italy, Spain and France.A third world country trying to ape first world ......when is this madness going to end......does Pakistan have the means to feed all the masses doing nothing and locked shows low mortality rate .........take the country back to normal n start working
Read this will explain many thingsDiscretion and Caution are the order of the day. Don't be so hasty to lead the nation to an unwanted consequence. Your question has the answer "data shows low mortality rate...". How was this low mortality rate achieved so far? by being cautious, not by being Boris Johnson and Donald Trump or Italy, Spain and France.
WHO is this guy? a WHO representative?Read this will explain many things
Covid-19 time capsule. Before, during and what's coming - Adam Townsend
A timecapsule. A working log of coronavirus, the way the world was before, during and what I expect
Why do you trust only WHO now??WHO is this guy? a WHO representative?
I trust thousands of doctors who are saying to be extra careful, not just a bunch of conspiracy theorists living in their mothers' houses basements or some mullah calling this virus a conspiracy theory against Muslims while thousands of non-muslims are dead already because of that.Why do you trust only WHO now??
Yeah deal.............lets start with your WHO expert firstI trust thousands of doctors who are saying to be extra careful, not just a bunch of conspiracy theorists living in their mothers' houses basements or some mullah calling this virus a conspiracy theory against Muslims while thousands of non-muslims are dead already because of that.
You give me one tom dick harry link and I will give ten links of accredited professional against your theory. Deal?
I trust thousands of doctors who are saying to be extra careful, not just a bunch of conspiracy theorists living in their mothers' houses basements or some mullah calling this virus a conspiracy theory against Muslims while thousands of non-muslims are dead already because of that.
You give me one tom dick harry link and I will give ten links of accredited professional against your theory. Deal?
Listen to him. He is only saying that pray in this difficult time and help your brothers and feel for others for the sake of god.May Allah s.w.t protect us from idiots and fools like this who create videos like this.
For people like this there is only one test. Go walk on to a busy highway with your eyes closed. Why do you fear getting run over by a car? You should fear the one who gave us the ability to manufacture that car, right? And nothing happens without his will right? So if Allah has not willed it you will not for right?
What happens to all your Muslim faith in such situations?
I did listen to him and he's off on totally other tangent that has nothing to do with the situation at hand.Listen to him. He is only saying that pray in this difficult time and help your brothers and feel for others for the sake of god.
Unless one makes claims that are contrary to the scientific facts in practice or makes scientific claims on behalf of religion which have material effects or simply lies posing for a religious person, I don't find you have enough ground to refute him.
You cannot dictate humans how to cope with feelings of fear nor you know how to do that except for yourself,
As long as both reasonably agree on the precautionary measures and the proven remedies and follow them , within a valid scientific discourse, you cannot make demand for any more.
You might be very wise and knowing but beyond the scientific facts and empirical data and analysis, about all of your knowledge is opinion and feelings, not lesser than anyone's nor the more.
Making claims of knowledge of sub-conscious or beyond the realm of self-action and decision and then demanding for action is self-contradictory
To be clear I'm not to sacrifice, arts, philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, literature, morality, sense of history and continuity and other human discourses, which really makes our existence and world-experience meaningful, interesting and worth living, at the narrow doors of science and empiricism.I did listen to him and he's off on totally other tangent that has nothing to do with the situation at hand.
Fear the creator and not the virus!!!
We fear him, virus or no virus. Thats the problem with him and even our regular mullah and moulvi hazrat they cannot switch of their preaching mode, this is NOT the time to be preaching. This is the time to be giving useful advice on how to get through this in one piece.
To be clear I'm not to sacrifice, arts, philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, literature, morality, sense of history and continuity and other human discourses, which really makes our existence and world-experience meaningful, interesting and worth living, at the narrow doors of science
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