COAS Raheel Sharif reached President house for farewell dinner

تحریک انصاف کو چاہے تھا کہ وہ راحیل شریف کو اعشائیہ دیتے مگر وہ نہیں دیں گے کیونکہ ان کی سوچ الطاف حسین جیسی ہے کسی اور کو ہیرو نہیں دیکھ سکتے
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mubarik Shah

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
تحریک انصاف کو چاہے تھا کہ وہ راحیل شریف کو اعشائیہ دیتے مگر وہ نہیں دیں گے کیونکہ ان کی سوچ الطاف حسین جیسی ہے کسی اور کو ہیرو نہیں دیکھ سکتے

Aur agar daitay tau FAROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK SATAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRR ki luuuuuuuuuuuuuumbee Luuuuuuuuuuumbee press conference hoti kay dhaik liya dil ki baat zabaan par aa gaee naa.....


Senator (1k+ posts)
People are dying on the border but this guy is busy partying with his buddy panama sharif. Where is the professionalism where is honoring the martyrs? Can't get in his suit quick enough when NS calls, the army should have boycotted these stupid PR events. Besides GRS is not the whole army, he is a part of an institution. What would the families of martyred officer think when their leadership is all goody goody with people who have called Pak army terrorists. SHAME
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Aur agar daitay tau FAROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK SATAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRR ki luuuuuuuuuuuuuumbee Luuuuuuuuuuumbee press conference hoti kay dhaik liya dil ki baat zabaan par aa gaee naa.....
فاروق ستار سے اس کی بیگم نہیں ڈرتی تحریک انصاف کیسے ڈر گئی؟

mubarik Shah

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
People are dying on the border but this fat bozo is busy partying with his buddy panama sharif. Where is the professionalism where is honoring the martyrs? Can't get in his suit quick enough when NS calls, the army should have boycotted these stupid PR events. Besides GRS is not the whole army, he is a part of an institution. What would the families of martyred officer think when their leadership is all goody goody with people who have called Pak army terrorists. SHAME

COAS works under PM.
If PM orders COAS to take action will COAS say NO?????
think again and stop fake,propaganda statements against our heros.....
Do you think Raheel is the whole Pak army... ?
no our brave Jawans are stationed at their posts to perform their duty which they are ...

Did you hear about stupid endian's drone been shot down by these brave Pak army...
then again stupid endian's submarine was scared and forced to run away by brave Pak Navy....
likewise we are replying tit for tat but stupid endian media and stupid endian hArmy is not reporting their accurate number of losses....
that's why Raheel Sharif taunted them to report the actual count of your murdars like a Man.....


Re: President Mamnoon addresses to the farewell ceremony for COAS -ALLAH HAFIZ General Sahib

Iskaa Hafiz Allah SWT nahi Noora Butt hai

mubarik Shah

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Did you hear about the government who spread propaganda against the same army you are praising. Why did the world gang up on Afghanistan and Iraq. Because they were accused of supporting terrorists. What do u say about a govt who accuses its own army of doing the same. Giving our enemies reasons to gang up on us. How is this not treason? How can they act all goody goody knowing this. Because you're beloved GRS is either corrupt or a coward

<<<<<<<......................supporting terrorists................... >>>>>>>>>>>>

I have no doubt that you are an ENDIAN ......

Stop your propaganda and take a hike.....

v r imran k

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: President Mamnoon addresses to the farewell ceremony for COAS -ALLAH HAFIZ General Sahib

chalo shukar hay aaj isay b bat kernay ka mouqa mila hay ...aaj hum nay apnay sadar ko bolty howay suna hay our noroay but ki tareef krety suna hay :lol:

hamay nahi apta tha hamray sadar sab dahi bhlay k sath sath malish our palish b achi tara kerna janty hian


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: President Mamnoon addresses to the farewell ceremony for COAS -ALLAH HAFIZ General Sahib

راحیل شریف سیاست میں آئے گا اور کامیاب رہے گا
آپ دیکھیں گے


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: President Mamnoon addresses to the farewell ceremony for COAS -ALLAH HAFIZ General Sahib

Allah Hafiz magar aap ne mere goal gappey nahin khaey :lol:
