Civil war like situation in Andhra, India AFTER Telangana. Gorkhaland and 50 other states coming: TO


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Civil war like situation in Andhra Pradesh: TDP

PTI | Aug 12, 2013, 06.14 PM IST


NEW DELHI: Accusing Congress of resorting to "autocratic" approach in announcing creation of Telangana and taking the decision in "haste", TDP MP Y S Chawdhury today said the step has led to a civil war like situation in the state.

"It is an unfortunate decision announced in an autocratic manner. The Congress communicated the decision in a hasty manner," he said, initiating a short duration discussion on Telangana issue.

He said the decision was not in sync with the Sri Krishna Committee report and the report was not taken into consideration while bifurcating the state. "The eighth chapter of the report was kept confidential," he said.

Chawdhury, who has been protesting the decision and has remained seated in the Well ever since the Monsoon session began on August 5, said people who have contributed to the development of Hyderabad and made it their home are living in "jittery" due to the utterances of some political leaders.

"A civil war is going on in AP. Is it not an unholy approach of Congress on the issue to cover-up its mistakes," he posed.

He demanded that the agenda and supporting documents placed before Congress on July 30 while taking the decision to bifurcate the state should be made public. Besides, he wondered whether the 40 minutes taken by UPA in arriving at the decision to split the state was enough for such an issue.

He objected to a suggestion of Congress leader in charge of Andhra Pradesh Digvijay Singh that handling of law and order in Hyderabad should be on Delhi model where it is done by the Centre.

He said the proposed Bill for creation of Telangana should be supported by a financial memorandum.

Chawdhury, however, could not complete his statement as the House was adjourned by the Chair for 30 minutes over his insistence of being allowed to speak beyond the alloted time.

Earlier, the House was adjourned for 15 minutes shortly after it convened at 3 PM as there was din created by Opposition benches on Robert Vadra's land deal issue. Besides, CPI-M member K N Balagopal, who raised the solar scam issue in Kerala, stormed the Well with a banner.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Indeed a horrible situation. 50 more states in India would be a huge burden on the already burdened coffers. on top of that Saudi and Middle east countries are also sending a million Indian back home.

The US and every other immigration destination has also tightened the noose and now this civil war like situation in telanagana is highly detestable.

Pakistan can provide peace services if requested :) ..We are ready to share our love in anyway possible !


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistan must be ready to provide Humanitarian Services if the situation gets out of hand in Andhra Pradesh. This may specially be needed if the United Nations requests it (bigsmile)


Senator (1k+ posts)
Hum saray Masoom Indian logoun ko Lahore mein kushamdeed kertay hein or ye yaqeen dalatay heink un k sath koi b Pakistani Army ka ho ya kisi or showbajaat se un ka rape nai kre ga.Jesa k humaray pass humaray humsaye mein India se kafi masalain aahaz ki ja sakti gein, Army tou full hai rape cases se or ajj kal tou wife swapping mein b. Shame on India
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monh zorr

Minister (2k+ posts)
ریاستیں یا صوبے انتظامی امور کوآسانی سے چلانے اور عوام کو سہولتیں پہونچانے کیلئے بنائے جائیں تو اچھا قدم ہے،

لیکن کانگریس کا یہ اقدام برہمن راج کو باقی رکھنے اور کم تر ذاتوں کو برہمن سرمایہ داروں کے ہاتھوں بدستور یرغمال بنائے رکھنے کی وجہ سے ناقابل برداشت ہے، چودہری صحیح کہہ رہا ہے،
ریاست کی پسماندہ اقوام اکثر یہ سوال کرتی ہیں کہ جب بھارت کو سیکولر ریاست قراد دیا جاتا ہے،تو پھر انکے ساتھ امتیازی سلوک کیوں کیا جاتا ہے،

ریاست کے لوگ سمجھ رہے ہیں کہ یکایک اور سری کرشنا رپورٹ کو پس پشت ڈال کر ریاست کوکاٹنے کا اسکے سوائے کیا مطلب ہوسکتا ہے کہ، برہمن راج کو برقرار رکھا جائے ، اور نیچ قوموں کے پڑھے لکھے نوجوانوں کو انکی تعلیم کے باوجود ،ذلیل کاموں سے منسلک رکھا جائے


Minister (2k+ posts)
indeed a horrible situation. 50 more states in india would be a huge burden on the already burdened coffers. On top of that saudi and middle east countries are also sending a million indian back home.

The us and every other immigration destination has also tightened the noose and now this civil war like situation in telanagana is highly detestable.
pakistan can provide peace services if requested :) ..we are ready to share our love in anyway possible !

آپ فکر نہیں کریں حکومت اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان بہت جلد آزاد بلوچستان اور اسلامی امارت شمالی وزیرستان وغیرہ کو بھی امدادی ٹیمیں بھیجنے کا اعلان کرنے والی ہے



Minister (2k+ posts)
The situation is very serious indeed.

I totally agree with you!

The Emirate of TTP

Babar Sattar

Updated 2013-08-12 08:00:54

THERE is a businessman in Karachi who lives in one of those manors with barbed wires atop high walls.

He generates his own electricity through solar technology, as none is available from the state. He harvests rainwater for domestic use, as none is provided by the state. He has employed private guards, as the state is not even pretending to take responsibility for his life and security. What he says with a chuckle reflects the painful reality of Pakistan: all I need to do is design my own flag and I can declare myself a state.
What will the prime minister say to families of the 11 boys who were blown up playing football in Karachi? That the act of killing innocent citizens is heinous and he condemns it? What will Sindh’s chief minister say to the grief-stricken mothers in Lyari? That it was God’s will? What will the IG police say to the wife of the SSP just killed in Chilas? That only brave officers die in the line of fire? What does the army chief say to all the martyrs who die fighting the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) every day? That their kids will be proud of their sacrifice?

Will any of them say they are sorry and ashamed that they have failed and are continuing to fail in discharging a responsibility that comes with the public offices they hold? This is the latest fad in Pakistan: matter-of-fact acknowledgment of the wrongfulness of a situation, without the slightest suggestion that such wrongfulness is the product of individual acts and omissions that must attract responsibility. What else can explain the D.I. Khan jailbreak, which was a replica of the Bannu jailbreak?

After each terror incident we are told that it was caused due to intelligence failure, as if only coordination amongst agencies and sharing information would sort out the menace. There was no failure of intelligence this time. We have been told that concrete intelligence had been provided to law enforcement agencies regarding the target, timing of the attack and the identity of the terrorists. The TTP came, it saw, it conquered, and then left undisturbed. How do you understand such an event within a sovereign state?

Let us break this down. So we know there is an enemy within our territorial borders planning and executing attacks against the state and citizens alike, and publicly taking ‘credit’ for them. In one such incident, intelligence agencies determine that an attack on a jail holding TTP affiliates is imminent. There’s information that the TTP is organising itself in the neighborhood in preparation for the attack. And how does the state respond? It awaits the attack.

Are we analysing the conduct of two belligerent nation-states where even in the face of imminent war you don’t wish to be the first one to breach the peace? The TTP has a state of its own within what the world mistakenly believes to be Pakistani territory. It is called North Waziristan. Not only does the writ of Pakistan not extend to North Waziristan, this is enemy territory from where the TTP plans and executes attacks on its declared enemy: the state and citizens of Pakistan.

It is misleading to call North Waziristan a sanctuary. A sanctuary is a place where someone has been given refuge. There is an assumption within the concept that there is a higher power actually providing such refuge. The TTP has not been afforded sanctuary in North Waziristan. It is the TTP that is affording sanctuary to Al Qaeda and foreign fighters within North Waziristan, as the TTP’s writ is supreme within North Waziristan and its orders are habitually obeyed by all living within such territory.

From a legal perspective, the contemporary notion of state sovereignty has four attributes: defined territory; distinct population; authority over territory and population; and recognition of such authority. Should the TTP not claim North Waziristan as the Emirate of TTP? After all it enjoys independent and absolute authority over a distinct territory and population. There might not be international recognition of the TTP’s sovereignty yet, but doesn’t the state of Pakistan offer de facto acknowledgement through its conduct?

Wouldn’t formally declaring North Waziristan the Emirate of TTP be advantageous? Once TTP has its own state, we will know for sure that the war consuming the soldiers and citizens of Pakistan is our own war, notwithstanding how it started. Each time the TTP attacks a mosque, a funeral, a school, we can file a complaint with the UN building public opinion that the Emirate of TTP is a rogue state that attacks unarmed civilians in other sovereign states and shows no respect for human rights.

Each time it attacks a naval or air base, the GHQ or ISI offices, we can take it to the Security Council for illegal use of force against the territorial integrity and political independence of our sovereign state and ask the international community to protect us from the next-door savages. Given that neither our politicians nor our generals have developed a narrative against the TTP, let’s formally give them the state that they already run and let the media develop the required narrative and drum up hate against them.

TTP sympathiser will become a curse word. Those projected as forgiving visionaries who’d rather hold talks with the killers of our children in the interest of peace will be instantly declared agents in the pay of our enemies who have sold their souls to the devil. Our drone problem will go away as the attacks will no longer be a breach of our sovereignty.

We might even be able to evolve public opinion in favour of taking action against slaughterers of Shias and other murderous militias in Karachi and elsewhere by disclosing their linkage with the TTP.

The more you think about it, the better it gets. The TTP is a formidable enemy that is winning. Let’s give it what it already has and ask for mercy. If it still keeps hurting us, let us go and complain to the big boys.

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
[hilar][hilar][hilar] such pipe dreams have always been touted by our enemies, let us know when something happens (bigsmile)

I totally agree with you!

The Emirate of TTP

Babar Sattar

Updated 2013-08-12 08:00:54

THERE is a businessman in Karachi who lives in one of those manors with barbed wires atop high walls.

He generates his own electricity through solar technology, as none is available from the state. He harvests rainwater for domestic use, as none is provided by the state. He has employed private guards, as the state is not even pretending to take responsibility for his life and security. What he says with a chuckle reflects the painful reality of Pakistan: all I need to do is design my own flag and I can declare myself a state.
What will the prime minister say to families of the 11 boys who were blown up playing football in Karachi? That the act of killing innocent citizens is heinous and he condemns it? What will Sindh’s chief minister say to the grief-stricken mothers in Lyari? That it was God’s will? What will the IG police say to the wife of the SSP just killed in Chilas? That only brave officers die in the line of fire? What does the army chief say to all the martyrs who die fighting the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) every day? That their kids will be proud of their sacrifice?

Will any of them say they are sorry and ashamed that they have failed and are continuing to fail in discharging a responsibility that comes with the public offices they hold? This is the latest fad in Pakistan: matter-of-fact acknowledgment of the wrongfulness of a situation, without the slightest suggestion that such wrongfulness is the product of individual acts and omissions that must attract responsibility. What else can explain the D.I. Khan jailbreak, which was a replica of the Bannu jailbreak?

After each terror incident we are told that it was caused due to intelligence failure, as if only coordination amongst agencies and sharing information would sort out the menace. There was no failure of intelligence this time. We have been told that concrete intelligence had been provided to law enforcement agencies regarding the target, timing of the attack and the identity of the terrorists. The TTP came, it saw, it conquered, and then left undisturbed. How do you understand such an event within a sovereign state?

Let us break this down. So we know there is an enemy within our territorial borders planning and executing attacks against the state and citizens alike, and publicly taking ‘credit’ for them. In one such incident, intelligence agencies determine that an attack on a jail holding TTP affiliates is imminent. There’s information that the TTP is organising itself in the neighborhood in preparation for the attack. And how does the state respond? It awaits the attack.

Are we analysing the conduct of two belligerent nation-states where even in the face of imminent war you don’t wish to be the first one to breach the peace? The TTP has a state of its own within what the world mistakenly believes to be Pakistani territory. It is called North Waziristan. Not only does the writ of Pakistan not extend to North Waziristan, this is enemy territory from where the TTP plans and executes attacks on its declared enemy: the state and citizens of Pakistan.

It is misleading to call North Waziristan a sanctuary. A sanctuary is a place where someone has been given refuge. There is an assumption within the concept that there is a higher power actually providing such refuge. The TTP has not been afforded sanctuary in North Waziristan. It is the TTP that is affording sanctuary to Al Qaeda and foreign fighters within North Waziristan, as the TTP’s writ is supreme within North Waziristan and its orders are habitually obeyed by all living within such territory.

From a legal perspective, the contemporary notion of state sovereignty has four attributes: defined territory; distinct population; authority over territory and population; and recognition of such authority. Should the TTP not claim North Waziristan as the Emirate of TTP? After all it enjoys independent and absolute authority over a distinct territory and population. There might not be international recognition of the TTP’s sovereignty yet, but doesn’t the state of Pakistan offer de facto acknowledgement through its conduct?

Wouldn’t formally declaring North Waziristan the Emirate of TTP be advantageous? Once TTP has its own state, we will know for sure that the war consuming the soldiers and citizens of Pakistan is our own war, notwithstanding how it started. Each time the TTP attacks a mosque, a funeral, a school, we can file a complaint with the UN building public opinion that the Emirate of TTP is a rogue state that attacks unarmed civilians in other sovereign states and shows no respect for human rights.

Each time it attacks a naval or air base, the GHQ or ISI offices, we can take it to the Security Council for illegal use of force against the territorial integrity and political independence of our sovereign state and ask the international community to protect us from the next-door savages. Given that neither our politicians nor our generals have developed a narrative against the TTP, let’s formally give them the state that they already run and let the media develop the required narrative and drum up hate against them.

TTP sympathiser will become a curse word. Those projected as forgiving visionaries who’d rather hold talks with the killers of our children in the interest of peace will be instantly declared agents in the pay of our enemies who have sold their souls to the devil. Our drone problem will go away as the attacks will no longer be a breach of our sovereignty.

We might even be able to evolve public opinion in favour of taking action against slaughterers of Shias and other murderous militias in Karachi and elsewhere by disclosing their linkage with the TTP.

The more you think about it, the better it gets. The TTP is a formidable enemy that is winning. Let’s give it what it already has and ask for mercy. If it still keeps hurting us, let us go and complain to the big boys.



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
OK are here and so are we ...we will see what happens (bigsmile):lol::lol:

آپ فکر نہیں کریں حکومت اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان بہت جلد آزاد بلوچستان اور اسلامی امارت شمالی وزیرستان وغیرہ کو بھی امدادی ٹیمیں بھیجنے کا اعلان کرنے والی ہے



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Not humanitarian rather Pakistan must be ready to take maximum advantage by humiliating Bharat mata! Hell my hatred for that country is so extreme that I say we should even bring the Chinese on board then attack them together. Bharat is facing a very serious situation that can implode at any time. There is trouble in Bihar, Assam, Kashmir, Darjeeling, Gorkhaland, Telengana and Nagaland all on the brink of civil war(bigsmile)There is communal tension in so may Bharati states:lol::lol: Pakistan will be able to handle it's internal matters where as Bharat will not.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Pakistani's keep dreaming.

Hey did you see the video of Jinnah's photo being stamped and torn into pieces. Residency burned down. You can't protect that, what is that your are so worried about others.

If needed, i can post it again for some reality check.


Minister (2k+ posts)
[hilar][hilar][hilar] such pipe dreams have always been touted by our enemies, let us know when something happens (bigsmile)

It is people like you who have been daydreaming although the reality is totally different and you try to ignore it. When are you going to wake up and look at the reality staring at you?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
did i ask you for you opinion man ?? (bigsmile)...unsolicited free advice is not needed yet. Keep it and use it as you see fit ..understand (bigsmile)

It is people like you who have been daydreaming although the reality is totally different and you try to ignore it. When are you going to wake up and look at the reality staring at you?


Minister (2k+ posts)
did i ask you for you opinion man ?? (bigsmile)...unsolicited free advice is not needed yet. Keep it and use it as you see fit ..understand (bigsmile)

Oh, sorry, I thought you are way deep in your pipe-dream imagining India breaking apart in the next few months into hundreds of tiny fiefdoms fighting with each other.Well you seem to have few periods of wakefulness. And the advices on this forum are always free and unsolicited whether you like them or not.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Apologies accepted (bigsmile).

And to your point i do have some bouts of wakefullness BUT you my friend are having a high time pinning down others realities on my dreams:lol:. That article up there is from the mainstream Indian media. Now if India is breaking into pieces and the whole world sees it including their media then YOU must Blind to pin these down as my dreams.:lol:

Actually what this also means is that My dreams are a reflection of reality. We can see it, the Indian media is writing it and the world is talking about it. BUT you are still lost in my dream world [hilar][hilar][hilar]

You OK man ?? (bigsmile)

Oh, sorry, I thought you are way deep in your pipe-dream imagining India breaking apart in the next few months into hundreds of tiny fiefdoms fighting with each other.Well you seem to have few periods of wakefulness. And the advices on this forum are always free and unsolicited whether you like them or not.
