Rs 700 Billion Goldsmith investment ky sath fassadi night Music Gala ki strength: -
1. Paid Channels like ARY, Express, Newsone and SAMA. All channels purchased in full less in SAMA, whre 50% anchors has sold their zameers to Goldsmith money.
2. Paid anchors like Rauf Khusra, Qazi, Aeshad Sharif (Dunya), Mujahid (Jaag), PJ MIr (Din)
What a civil disobedience, as per law, do not pay utility bill, connection will not be cut. After 3 x months legal proceeding start for cutting of connections. Keep burning for 2 months more.
Tax returns are filled with cushion period till 31 January 2015 as per law.
Lagay raho Pasha Party walo with such cheep jokes.
Good no bill no light. Humaray pass her cheez ka toor hay bachooo:baby::baby::baby::baby::baby::baby:
Bachooo 2 month bhi bill na bhi do tou connection nahi kaat saktay. 3rd month bill 3 months ka jama ho kay atta hai with warning :baby::baby::baby::baby::baby:
if they cut ur connection due to this.....pti must cut the supply from terbela
:biggthumpup:منے یہ تو اور بھی اچھی خبر سنا دی یعنی تین مہینے بجلی بھی استعمال کرو اور اسکے بعد بل بھی نہ دو میٹر کاٹنا اتنا آسان نہیں ہوتا پٹائی بھی ہو جاتی ہے پولیس کس کس کو پکڑے گیBachooo 2 month bhi bill na bhi do tou connection nahi kaat saktay. 3rd month bill 3 months ka jama ho kay atta hai with warning :baby::baby::baby::baby::baby:
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