Whole world will see that what will happen to this region after 2014 . My advice to CIA , RAW and its paid tatoo hussain haqqani and others is that dont be terrified by this war of Ghazwa-e-Hindh because it will surely happen and there will be no india on the map of this earth INSHAA ALLAH . (bigsmile)(bigsmile) (bigsmile) . Our Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) told about the war of Ghzwa-e-Hindh 1400 years ago in his Hadith's so it will surely happen , no doubts in it . India which is currently on the map of this earth will be no more after the war of Ghazwa-e-Hindh and whole india will become sixth province of Greater Pakistan INSHAA ALLAH . Good times for Pakistan are coming ahead , and INSHAA ALLAH the terrorist country india which is doing terrorism in Pakistan will be no more on this earth after few years . There are two maps which will be available after the war of Ghazwa-e-Hindh .
First map is this :

Second map is this :

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