CIA terrified of Ghazwa e Hind!!!!


Councller (250+ posts)


Whole world will see that what will happen to this region after 2014 . My advice to CIA , RAW and its paid tatoo hussain haqqani and others is that dont be terrified by this war of Ghazwa-e-Hindh because it will surely happen and there will be no india on the map of this earth INSHAA ALLAH . (bigsmile)(bigsmile) (bigsmile) . Our Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) told about the war of Ghzwa-e-Hindh 1400 years ago in his Hadith's so it will surely happen , no doubts in it . India which is currently on the map of this earth will be no more after the war of Ghazwa-e-Hindh and whole india will become sixth province of Greater Pakistan INSHAA ALLAH . Good times for Pakistan are coming ahead , and INSHAA ALLAH the terrorist country india which is doing terrorism in Pakistan will be no more on this earth after few years . There are two maps which will be available after the war of Ghazwa-e-Hindh .

First map is this :


Second map is this :

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Councller (250+ posts)
What world you are living in, Lets say for a minute even Muslims take over whole indian region by some miracle, how they going to be dominated on whole world, India is not the whole world but a small part of asia. And do you really think that Pakistan has technology to destroy America??? get real and wake up stupid dreamers.
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All bloody traitors look at that ASMA JAHANGIR who has been facing death threats from the moment, she was born.... and Ajeeb ISI hai iss maaye ko 50 saal sa dhamka rahi hai par marti nahi ...


Atif Ijaz

Its matter of time. For dear friends who think Pakistan will not be able to do this is rubbish. We won't be in this current economic and domestic situation forever. We will come out InshAllah question is When??? No one has the answer. Our youth knows all current political situation in the world and do we know our history and our last book. Its not what some people say Pak will do it. It will be uprising of Muslim states and may be may be Pak will lead them.


Minister (2k+ posts)
This clearly shows how they are petrified.

Traitor Haqqani is projecting the hadith as terrorists will do it!!!!!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Buss bohat ho gye batain abhi shuru kar GAZWA E HIND khali baton say kam nahi chalay ga Zahid SB and others retardos.:crazy:


MPA (400+ posts)

Alhamdulillah They are getting worried and they should be, we have witnessed the blessings of Jihad-e-Khurasan, we have witnessed that US,NATO and coalition of other 20 Nations(with their State of the ARt Technology and Hi tech Weapons), are being defeated by Mujahideen who have literally nothing.. alhamduilliah summa alhamdullilah The Sun can rise from the west but the words of our prophet can never ever be wrong....

That should be more than enough for those "MUSLIMS" who always think Ghazawai Hind is nothing more than a dream, this is not a dream this was prophesied by rasullullah(pbuh) who never spoke but truth "
Nor does he speak of (his own) desire It is not but a revelation revealed" Surah An-Najm.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Alhamdulillah They are getting worried and they should be, we have witnessed the blessings of Jihad-e-Khurasan, we have witnessed that US,NATO and coalitionof other 20 Nations(with their State of the ARt Technology and Hi tech Weapons), are being defeated by Mujahideen who have literally nothing.. alhamduilliah summa alhamdullilah The Sun can rise from the west but the words of our prophet can never ever be wrong....

That should be more than enough for those "MUSLIMS" who always think Ghazawai Hind is nothing more than a dream, this is not a dream this was prophesied by rasullullah(pbuh) who never spoke but truth "
Nor does he speak of (his own) desire It is not but a revelation revealed" Surah An-Najm.
kohni pe gud chipka diya hai......chaat te raho.......:lol:


Councller (250+ posts)
Arabic people don't even consider us " pakistanis" real muslims, how we gonna lead them lol?

Its matter of time. For dear friends who think Pakistan will not be able to do this is rubbish. We won't be in this current economic and domestic situation forever. We will come out InshAllah question is When??? No one has the answer. Our youth knows all current political situation in the world and do we know our history and our last book. Its not what some people say Pak will do it. It will be uprising of Muslim states and may be may be Pak will lead them.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Ghazwa e hind insha allah

Before I see anything please clarify this not another stunt by the all great lal topi productions.
Re: Ghazwa e hind insha allah

غزوہ بلوچستان ؟
غزوہ کراچی ؟
غزوہ شیعہ سنی ؟
غزوہ خیبرپختنون ؟

بستر پر پڑا مریض کہتا ہے میں نے بھی دوڑ میں حصہ لینا ہے ۔



MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Ghazwa e hind insha allah

Us kay lie Ummat b eitifaq zaroori h, aik dosrey ko marna Ghazwa e Hind nahi. Damage did by infidels (TTP and other religious fanatic defunct groups) is 100000 times more as compare to their cheep efforts in Afghanistan, India or else where. Coward infidels can kill innocents only, do not have strength or courage. Bark like Zahid Hamid (Recruited agent of Hamid Gul) with no reality all fantasy. "Allah ki rasi ko tamho or tafreqa mein na paro (Al Quran)". Without unity Muslims not more than a piece of dust. TTP and defunct organizations misuse name of Islam and act in same prospective so that as per his foolish thought people will get impressed, as terrorist act was in light of their so called Shariat. This act neither as Islamic values nor enjoys minor respect in any Pakistani eye. Played by RAW and other anti Islamic agencies. These infidels are mostly fed 80% by overseas Pakistan. 18% fed from extortion, looting banks and car lifting, local resources inside Pakistan. 2% from animal skins and donations from mentally polluted local from their preaching. Overseas are requested to pay donation to SKMH, Edhi Trust or any Federal Government owned trust. Do not play in hands of Ulema, religious scholars or madrassa owner. Be sure any paisa, pound, dollar, Euro etcetera given on any plea goes to these terrorists. Any innocent killed inside Pakistan, donors are equally responsible for his blood besides infidels or defunct organization like TTP. Allah bless and guide you!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Ghazwa e hind insha allah

غزوہ بلوچستان ؟
غزوہ کراچی ؟
غزوہ شیعہ سنی ؟
غزوہ خیبرپختنون ؟

بستر پر پڑا مریض کہتا ہے میں نے بھی دوڑ میں حصہ لینا ہے ۔

Are u anti pakistan ???? Only Yes or No plz....


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Ghazwa e hind insha allah

Us kay lie Ummat b eitifaq zaroori h, aik dosrey ko marna Ghazwa e Hind nahi. Damage did by infidels (TTP and other religious fanatic defunct groups) is 100000 times more as compare to their cheep efforts in Afghanistan, India or else where. Coward infidels can kill innocents only, do not have strength or courage. Bark like Zahid Hamid (Recruited agent of Hamid Gul) with no reality all fantasy. "Allah ki rasi ko tamho or tafreqa mein na paro (Al Quran)". Without unity Muslims not more than a piece of dust. TTP and defunct organizations misuse name of Islam and act in same prospective so that as per his foolish thought people will get impressed, as terrorist act was in light of their so called Shariat. This act neither as Islamic values nor enjoys minor respect in any Pakistani eye. Played by RAW and other anti Islamic agencies. These infidels are mostly fed 80% by overseas Pakistan. 18% fed from extortion, looting banks and car lifting, local resources inside Pakistan. 2% from animal skins and donations from mentally polluted local from their preaching. Overseas are requested to pay donation to SKMH, Edhi Trust or any Federal Government owned trust. Do not play in hands of Ulema, religious scholars or madrassa owner. Be sure any paisa, pound, dollar, Euro etcetera given on any plea goes to these terrorists. Any innocent killed inside Pakistan, donors are equally responsible for his blood besides infidels or defunct organization like TTP. Allah bless and guide you!

Yaar is ko koi haddi phenko..... (serious)(serious)
