Indian terrorists are soiling their chaddis with bloody dysentery already. Soon the strata to seal their orifice permanently will be ready.
majority of pakistanis think like thatchina never cheated pakistan.. better china take over than goes in US camp
PN has Navel bases in Gwadar and Omara since years. Gwadar is foremost a PN Base. PN is getting 8 new submarines which will primarily based at Gwadar -Why not Pakistani submarine there in gawadar?
yes becoz nawaz zardari fazlu they are the worst enemies of pakmajority of pakistanis think like that
Hahaha....Seems like 'The Pakistani' is having nightmares already....... ?It should give nightmares to Pakistan as well. China started taking over.
ہاہاہا....جہاں سرجن کام نہیں کرتے وہاں گاؤں کا موچی توپے لگا دیتا ہے
دنیا کا بڑے سے بڑا اور ماہر سے ماہر ترین سرجن اس وقت اگر ان سب لوگوں کے پچھواڑوں کا معائنہ کرے تو وہ اپنے ہاتھ کھڑے کر کے آپریشن تھیٹر سے باہر اس نعرے کے ساتھ دوڑ لگاتا ہوا نظر آئے گا
They are beyond surgical repair...