China uses Communist Party's centenary for a show of strength and defiance


Minister (2k+ posts)
Why cant people just celebrate the happiness or achievement of any country....why any progressive country must be seen as enemy...why people just cant appreciate others achievement and cultures as it is...whether, its china or America, or any other country....we must admire their achievement and contribution to the world/humanity....why these powerful countries (specially) are so insecure of any ones else achievements or stability...just chill...have a positive constructive competition...let people celebrate the way they are...just curb against injustice, crimes, corruption, drugs, pollution, global whole as a world community...the world has lot bigger challenges then these petty political hatred based strategies of politicians of various countries...enough of these divide, hatred and wars...

Sohail Shuja

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
China had long been in a position where it cannot be bullied. The Vietnam war was a testament of it. North Korea had still been a vivid example.

China, in its own strategy had never been about expansionism beyond its borders. However, now Taiwan is being used to create a stir in the teapot. China knows that it is some other country which is inciting Taiwan against China, but China is mainly concerned about the security of its own borders. Thats it.
