P PappuChikna Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Dec 9, 2016 #4 hurr safar mein aap kaa humsafar. PIA (including safar-e-aakhirat)
T taban Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Dec 9, 2016 #6 پی آئی اے بندے کے دل میں خدا کا خوف پیدا کرتی هے اور بندے کو خدا سے ملا دیتی هے
A aliahmad297622 Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Dec 9, 2016 #7 All department corruption status quuu rules
mubarik Shah Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Dec 9, 2016 #11 PIA can only be revived by another one like him
D dingdong Banned Dec 9, 2016 #12 mubarik Shah said: PIA can only be revived by another one like him Click to expand... Air Martial Noor Khan Marhoom
mubarik Shah said: PIA can only be revived by another one like him Click to expand... Air Martial Noor Khan Marhoom
jani1 Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Dec 9, 2016 #13 a short cut to jannah.... n their slogan should be...... ساری عمر کی عبادات سے بہتر۔۔۔۔ پی آئی اے کا اک سفر۔۔۔۔
a short cut to jannah.... n their slogan should be...... ساری عمر کی عبادات سے بہتر۔۔۔۔ پی آئی اے کا اک سفر۔۔۔۔
D dingdong Banned Dec 9, 2016 #14 PIA...........Ba Kamal Log lajawab Parwaaz PIA........... Please Inform Allah PIA........... Pain in a............ PIA........... Perhaps i arrived
PIA...........Ba Kamal Log lajawab Parwaaz PIA........... Please Inform Allah PIA........... Pain in a............ PIA........... Perhaps i arrived
allahkebande Minister (2k+ posts) Dec 9, 2016 #15 جہاز کا حادثہ تو کہیں بھی ہو سکتا ہے ۔ http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/08/travel/fatal-commercial-airline-crashes/ Story highlights Several commercial jet crashes have resulted in the deaths of over 200 people Some of these are terrorist-related, but others are tied to mechanical or pilot errors The deadliest crash involving a single aircraft -- with 520 killed -- was in 1985 in Japan
جہاز کا حادثہ تو کہیں بھی ہو سکتا ہے ۔ http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/08/travel/fatal-commercial-airline-crashes/ Story highlights Several commercial jet crashes have resulted in the deaths of over 200 people Some of these are terrorist-related, but others are tied to mechanical or pilot errors The deadliest crash involving a single aircraft -- with 520 killed -- was in 1985 in Japan