Caption it ....!!!

maksyed - Blogger


Voter (50+ posts)
Jase Awam Wase Hukmran Ya Log Sirf Awam Ko Bewaouf Banate Ha Or Gareb awam ko mar kar siyast karte ha in ka yahi kam ha nachna... pata nahi hamari awam kab in jase siyasatdano sa chutkara pae ge...... allah talah in jase nachne walon sa bachae...........


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Bud if that was an attempt at an insult then it was seriously below the belt and racist something a muslim or any human being should avoid.
rathore ji aap agar kisi negro ka poochna chahen gay to aap uss ko kaisay explain karengaay ,niger is an offence name not negro please rectify your self


MPA (400+ posts)
rathore ji aap agar kisi negro ka poochna chahen gay to aap uss ko kaisay explain karengaay ,niger is an offence name not negro please rectify your self
Bud i dont need to rectify myself. Firstly i work with people from an african and carribean heritage and they find the term offensive So for me that is good enough. Although some people from a white background (US) still use the term it is widely accepted as a social no no, because it is accociated with the long history of slavery, segregation, and discrimination that treated African Americans as second class citizen. Most of the civil right leaders like Macolm X hated the word and preferred the term Black and the younger folk today prefer African & Carribean. Yes - It is still used in the US census but a lot of the young folk find it insulting and offensive and have asked for it to be replaced. Anyways google the word and you will see the vast majority of people from an african and carribean heritage find the word offensive.
