Caption it - Me : 59 years old young Pakistan's PM


Minister (2k+ posts)
Allah may protect him and have him to succeed in his mission to turn this country around and have this nation experience some good times.


Minister (2k+ posts)


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Allah is dyanat daar aur mukhlis shaks ki hifazat kare aur woh din Pakistan main aai jub hum Prime minister ki seat par Imran khan ko dekhain


Councller (250+ posts)

still better than hair transplant :P atleat it looks natural but u can easily tell or judge fake hair, fake personalities, fake leadership, fake party, fake lion and pure hypocrisy like dumbaz shareef brothers the dumbest human alive on earth i feel sorry for u whoever u r get a life use ur brain if u have 1


Minister (2k+ posts)
still better than hair transplant :P atleat it looks natural but u can easily tell or judge fake hair, fake personalities, fake leadership, fake party, fake lion and pure hypocrisy like dumbaz shareef brothers the dumbest human alive on earth i feel sorry for u whoever u r get a life use ur brain if u have 1

Farooq Khan

MPA (400+ posts)
this is your best shot so ....... he still looks better than your fake leader who looks towards his paid servant when Talat Hussain ask nawaz sharif question in urdu not in english and Talat said please do not interfere in the conversation and you like to compare your gunjaa with Imran Khan get a life you Insane.
