Can we learn as a nation from Ants??


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Can we learn as a nation from Ants????????????????????????????

A meassage to all weak faith people(included myself). this mare creature(just saying ironically) is telling us a lesson of unity.


A strong practical example in simple mood. Wat a strong reply to all of us who say ahhhh wat we can do as we are a weak nation?. wat all i gathered from it just unity can bring change and we can defeat all our opponents watsoever thy r simply but actually by uniting like a nation. Let we all take a decision we have to unite being a nation just to stand up.not by criticising but playing our role actively inshaALLAH.


Minister (2k+ posts)
We have islam , We have the role model of Khilafat and 4 caliph era, No better example there is than that as far as I think.....

UNITED WE STAND (LIKE ANTS) ----- DIvided we fall!