Can this Survey be considered credible ??????


Minister (2k+ posts)
What country's people like Iran best? This Pew survey has the answer


I doubt this survey

Khubaib Alam

Minister (2k+ posts)
Paae g Pakistan top of the list, coz yahan aise ghaddar km nae jo khaate pakistan ka hen, aur qaseede iran ke parhte hen, wrna Iran ka haal to apne se bhi bura ha, mgr phr bhi yeh survey credible nae, coz yahan ki max 5-10% population iran ki taraf rujhan rkhti ha, lgta ha survey wale unhi se puchte rhe


Minister (2k+ posts)
Paae g Pakistan top of the list, coz yahan aise ghaddar km nae jo khaate pakistan ka hen, aur qaseede iran ke parhte hen, wrna Iran ka haal to apne se bhi bura ha, mgr phr bhi yeh survey credible nae, coz yahan ki max 5-10% population iran ki taraf rujhan rkhti ha, lgta ha survey wale unhi se puchte rhe

Mujy tho Lagta hai Pew walo ne be Kachi pi le hain Dr Sb.
How it is possible to favor iran with such a huge frequency.
So the conclusion is

There are three types of lies,
Lies, Dam lies, and statistics


Minister (2k+ posts)
Pakistan's the only country where the majority is holding favorable opinion. Intesresting.

Btw,The survey is credible. First its PEW and second Pakistanis are more Sunnis, Shias, Wahabis, blash blah and blah than Pakistanis. If the survey is about Saudia, you will get more or less the same response. Pakistan will be the most favorable nation towards Saudis


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Pakistanis likes anyone who is little bit anti USA. Remember the huge demos in favor of Saddam though Saddam never supported Pakistan. Ahmadi Nijad was popular in Pakistan because of his anti USA stance.

Paae g Pakistan top of the list, coz yahan aise ghaddar km nae jo khaate pakistan ka hen, aur qaseede iran ke parhte hen, wrna Iran ka haal to apne se bhi bura ha, mgr phr bhi yeh survey credible nae, coz yahan ki max 5-10% population iran ki taraf rujhan rkhti ha, lgta ha survey wale unhi se puchte rhe


Minister (2k+ posts)
Incorrect. Iran has far positive image globall than is reflected by this false survey. Even for Pakistan it is wrong, as Pakistan has far more positive view of Iran than what is shown here.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
We are Persian aswel are we not? Atleast 2 of our provinces are a branch or Persian People and Sindh was the fort of Indo-Scythians. Its in our DNA and culture, but religion destroyed our culture. And now these Mullahs telling us that Islam is our culture.... Ummm its not... Go and research in Harrapa Taxila, Mohenjadaro and see how rich our culture was and how it got destroyed. Read about the Persian empire it was at its height and the Romans supported Arabs to drive the Persians out of Anatolia and have their leaders assasinated and eventually destroyed the Persian empire and their culture. No more stories no more folklore no more music no more song no more art no more dance no more books no more identity just grow a beard and pretend that you are pious suck up to the arabs who treat you like dogs hate your neighbours because they follow a different sect of Islam and that is your culture.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
survey is done by PEW research so i have 95% confidence that it is correct. if it was done by some pakistani firm then the confidence would have been 5%.

Shahid Abassi

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Most pakistanies want to have friendly relations with Iran. Any question put up by this survey got the answers which have other factors effecting the answer. We have a enemy on east side, we have troubled ( and some will say hostile) Afghanistan on the west side so ask me and I will say it is favourable to have friendly relations with Iran. Secondly do not forget that Saudi Arabia, which was once the most favourables nation for Pakistanies, does not enjoy the same affiliation today since Saudies started interfering in Pakistan politics and ivesting heavily in some specific madrassahs.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
یار ہم مذہبی اور اپنے اپنے فرقوں سے محبت رکھنے والے لوگ ہیں اسلیے ہماری دوستیاں اور دشمنیاں اکثر اسی تناظر میں ہوتی ہیں اور ظاہر ہے کہ سرحدوں سے باہر بھی ابل رہی ہیں . عام پاکستانیوں کی نظر میں ایران ایک ملک کی بجاے شیعت کا مرکز اور گڑھ ہے . اسلیے بڑی سادہ سی بات ہے کہ ایران سے نفرت کرنے والے سولہ فیصد لوگ وہابی اور دیوبندی ہیں جبکہ مثبت راے رکھنے والے ستاون فیصد لوگ شیعہ اور بریلوی ہیں


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
survey is done by PEW research so i have 95% confidence that it is correct. if it was done by some pakistani firm then the confidence would have been 5%.

You can't always trust these surveys either.

People who are conducting these surveys are after all locals.

I would take the results of these surveys with a grain of salt as the responses depend on how the question is framed and who did you ask.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
یار ہم مذہبی اور اپنے اپنے فرقوں سے محبت رکھنے والے لوگ ہیں اسلیے ہماری دوستیاں اور دشمنیاں اکثر اسی تناظر میں ہوتی ہیں اور ظاہر ہے کہ سرحدوں سے باہر بھی ابل رہی ہیں . عام پاکستانیوں کی نظر میں ایران ایک ملک کی بجاے شیعت کا مرکز اور گڑھ ہے . اسلیے بڑی سادہ سی بات ہے کہ ایران سے نفرت کرنے والے سولہ فیصد لوگ وہابی اور دیوبندی ہیں جبکہ مثبت راے رکھنے والے ستاون فیصد لوگ شیعہ اور بریلوی ہیں

You are correct that sectarian consideration may have played a big part in Pakistan. But then would that suggest that 80% of the Israelis or Spanish have Wahabi and Deobandi influence too? ;)

All kidding aside I think that it all depends on how the question was framed and who did they ask. Context matters a lot.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You are correct that sectarian consideration may have played a big part in Pakistan. But then would that suggest that 80% of the Israelis or Spanish have Wahabi and Deobandi influence too? ;)

All kidding aside I think that it all depends on how the question was framed and who did they ask. Context matters a lot.


آ پنے صحیح کہا. میں دراصل آجکل فورم پر مختلف تھریڈز پر "تھریڈ بند کروانے والی فرقوں کی گھمسان کی جنگ" کی بابت ذرا طنز کر رہا تھا. لیکن چلیں ذرا اسی پر بحث کرتے ہیں کہ فرض کریں کہ یہ پول بالکل صحیح اور متوازن ہے اور اسکے راے شماری کے پول میں ہمارے معاشرے کے سبھی افراد کے نمائندہ گروہ سے راے لی گئی ہے تو آپکے خیال میں کیا نتیجہ نکلتا اور کتنے فیصد لوگ مذہبی زومبی بن کر راے دیتے اور کیا راے دیتے؟؟؟ اینٹی امریکہ سٹانس کتنے فیصد اثر رکھتا اور فرقہ ورانہ کتنے فیصد

ایران اور سعودی عرب کی حمایت میں وال چاکنگ، جلسے جلوس وغیرہ کی خبریں آپ نے بھی پڑھی ہونگی. ایران اور سعودی عرب کے متعلق ہر بحث اس فورم پر فورا ہی فرقہ ورانہ رخ اختیار کر لیتی ہے وغیرہ وغیرہ


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

آ پنے صحیح کہا. میں دراصل آجکل فورم پر مختلف تھریڈز پر "تھریڈ بند کروانے والی فرقوں کی گھمسان کی جنگ" کی بابت ذرا طنز کر رہا تھا. لیکن چلیں ذرا اسی پر بحث کرتے ہیں کہ فرض کریں کہ یہ پول بالکل صحیح اور متوازن ہے اور اسکے راے شماری کے پول میں ہمارے معاشرے کے سبھی افراد کے نمائندہ گروہ سے راے لی گئی ہے تو آپکے خیال میں کیا نتیجہ نکلتا اور کتنے فیصد لوگ مذہبی زومبی بن کر راے دیتے اور کیا راے دیتے؟؟؟ اینٹی امریکہ سٹانس کتنے فیصد اثر رکھتا اور فرقہ ورانہ کتنے فیصد

ایران اور سعودی عرب کی حمایت میں وال چاکنگ، جلسے جلوس وغیرہ کی خبریں آپ نے بھی پڑھی ہونگی. ایران اور سعودی عرب کے متعلق ہر بحث اس فورم پر فورا ہی فرقہ ورانہ رخ اختیار کر لیتی ہے وغیرہ وغیرہ

No, I completely agree with your observation in the earlier post.

If you consider that the respondents to this survey were moderately religious then they would definitely be influenced by their sectarian leanings.

In fact if they had collected the stats on what was the background of the respondents on sectarian basis then it would have closely reflected to what you said.

I was just asking the question in general that short of knowing the actual question that was being asked the result may have been skewed.
Mujy tho Lagta hai Pew walo ne be Kachi pi le hain Dr Sb.
How it is possible to favor iran with such a huge frequency.
So the conclusion is

There are three types of lies,
Lies, Dam lies, and statistics


Sunni, Shia and Wahabbi Fanatic are not more than 2% of Pakistan

and Majority of Pakistanis are Bralvis ... and Bravlis enjoy good relations with Shias

as well as the Laymen Pakistanis are concerned they are very impressed with Irani Revolution of Khomenai

You would often come across a dialogue from Laymen Pakistanis that "Pakistan needs a Khomenai"


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You can't always trust these surveys either.

People who are conducting these surveys are after all locals.

I would take the results of these surveys with a grain of salt as the responses depend on how the question is framed and who did you ask.
right but that applies to all countries in the survey so still relative scores can be considered for qualitative analysis. meaning that iran is more popular than usa.

also i trust pew have followed the necessary steps for a scientific survey which pakistanis are famous for skipping.
