Bilal Raza
Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
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Thats the way it is in the GCC where Department of Auqaf hires and pays all Muazzins, Imams, Muftis etc etc and they are also considered govt servants also they are strictly vetted for each job. Sometimes it can take years of trying for a person to be appointed an Imam fof a masjid that too after vigorous tests by the department, checking his knowledge of the Quran and how good his pronunciation and talawat is.All molvis in Pakistan should be registered and work under the government.In Turkey the directorate of religious affairs i.e. Diyanet . It provides Quranic education for children and trains and employs all of Turkey's imams, who are technically considered civil servants.It also drafts weekly sermons(khutba) and which are read in mosques.
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