Cadet College Built By Pakistan Army in Swat


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The American backed Pak media never tells us of all the positive things that are being done. Despite being in a war like situation the jawans are still doing all they can. It's about time the people appreciated their massive sacrifices. It's due to these people that Bharat never dare attack Pak openly unless they want to be roasted.


Senator (1k+ posts)

Cadet College Ormara aims to provide education and training at par with internationally recognized standards. In parallel, emphasis shall be laid on building character, refining personalities and sharpening natural aptitudes of the cadets.


Cadet College Ormara (CCO) will be established to educate the youth from class VIII to XII to become potential human resource for the country as well as Armed Forces. CCO will have following objectives:

  • [*] Provide quality education to the youth of Pakistan in general and Baluchistan in particular.
  • Act as a feeder institution for PN in particular and other fields like medical, engineering etc. in general.
  • Groom the cadets in conducive environment to develop their intellectual, moral and physical capabilities.
  • Provide employment opportunities to locals.


Our mission is to provide quality education to youth and develop them morally, physically and intellectually.


Cadet College Ormara shall function under the overall control of Pakistan Navy through Board of Governor headed by Commander Coast and comprising members representing PN, Federal and Baluchistan Govt. A dedicated team of officers will manage day to day affairs of the College headed by a College Principal of the rank of Commodore. The team shall comprise Administration and Academic Wings. The ably qualified, experienced and committed College Faculty shall be a blend of uniformed and civilian instructors.



