Boxer Amir Khans Wife Faryal Makhdoom Just Bashed Her In-Laws On Snapchat

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
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All may not be fine in the lives of the famous British-Pakistani couple, boxer Amir King Khan and his wife Faryal Makhdoom. In the most unexpected manner, Faryal Makhdoom took to her Snapchat and addressed the issue she and her husband Amir Khan had been facing.

The WBC World Middleweight Champions wife bashed her in-laws, both mother and sister of the famous Pakistani boxer who represents England and Pakistan. Faryal Makhdoom, a human rights activist as well as an occasional ramp walker, has exposed her in-laws and their bellicose behavior that she had been facing.


Source: Faryal Makhdooms Snapchat


Source: Faryal Makhdooms Snapchat


Source: Faryal Makhdooms Snapchat


Source: Faryal Makhdooms Snapchat


Source: Faryal Makhdooms Snapchat


Source: Faryal Makhdooms Snapchat


Source: Faryal Makhdooms Snapchat



Source: Mariyahs Snapchat


Source: Faryal Makhdooms Snapchat


Source: Mariyahs Snapchat


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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
sad we are quick to judge the book by its cover.They knew she was modern then why get her as daughter in law in first place.

inlaws she is right if they are so jealous dont get your son married

and once married islam says save the muslim unit form disintegration, BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

tooooooo much bullying hostilities interference in sons life, its MORE CULTURAL frustration and bad customs of desis

Zamaray Khan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
If this is true then I'm not surprised .

Amir's family belong those Kashmiris who migrated in 60s to the UK mainly from kotli ad mirpur( parts of pak Kashmir) .Their culture in 60s was really back ward . It was Typical back ward village culture .

Ironically even after living in the UK for 50 years they still follow their 60s back ward culture in the UK . They implement this back ward culture harshly and forcefully on their children and daughter in laws .

I'm witnessed to this culture since December 2001 when I moved to the UK on student visa .I must say should have checked his family back ground before she decided to marry her . I guess his fame and stardom was too tempting and irresistible for her .
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Zamaray Khan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
sad we are quick to judge the book by its cover.They knew she was modern then why get her as daughter in law in first place.

inlaws she is right if they are so jealous dont get your son married

and once married islam says save the muslim unit form disintegration, BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

tooooooo much bullying hostilities interference in sons life, its MORE CULTURAL frustration and bad customs of desis

If this is true then I'm not surprised .

Amir's family belong those Kashmiris who migrated in 60s to the UK mainly from kotli ad mirpur( parts of pak Kashmir) .Their culture in 60s was really back ward . It was Typical back ward village culture .

Ironically even after living in the UK for 50 years they still follow their 60s back ward culture in the UK . They implement this back ward culture harshly and forcefully on their children and daughter in laws .

I'm witnessed to this culture since December 2001 when I moved to the UK on student visa .

I must say she should have checked his family back ground before she decided to marry him . I guess his fame and stardom was too tempting and irresistible.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
If this is true then I'm not surprised .

Amir's family belong those Kashmiris who migrated in 60s to the UK mainly from kotli ad mirpur( parts of pak Kashmir) .Their culture in 60s was really back ward . It was Typical back ward village culture .

Ironically even after living in the UK for 50 years they still follow their 60s back ward culture in the UK . They implement this back ward culture harshly and forcefully on their children and daughter in laws .

I'm witnessed to this culture since December 2001 when I moved to the UK on student visa .

I must say she should have checked his family back ground before she decided to marry him . I guess his fame and stardom was too tempting and irresistible.

actually whole pakistan is like that when its comes to daughterin laws even educated ones abuse verbally their daughter in laws and sad some are very religous and dont follow the number one rule DO NOT BREAK THE ISLAMIC unit, its mainly jealousy as sons focus becomes naturally wife, some we took it from HINDU culture as they treat women as slaves, but then again arabs abuse women like slaves too. Sad

Zamaray Khan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
actually whole pakistan is like that when its comes to daughterin laws even educated ones abuse verbally their daughter in laws and sad some are very religous and dont follow the number one rule DO NOT BREAK THE ISLAMIC unit, its mainly jealousy as sons focus becomes naturally wife, some we took it from HINDU culture as they treat women as slaves, but then again arabs abuse women like slaves too. Sad

yeah Asian families really need to change their attitude towards their daughter in laws . They need to accept their rights and stop following back ward asain culture .


Councller (250+ posts)
Well just listening to one side point of view you cannot make any opinions. Boxer's wife might telling the half truth. She might have done something terribly wrong with her sister in law, who knows? Nobody would tell her own mistakes. Women in West are generally very strong n powerful in terms of laws. Due to this women rights issue many women have started taking undue advantage of it.
They hide under the cover of women rights n show as much cruelties towards their in laws or their husbands.
You cannot prove urself innocent simply being on social media.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

yeah Asian families really need to change their attitude towards their daughter in laws . They need to accept their rights and stop following back ward asain culture .

its so deep rooted this animosity against daughter in laws,

unnecessary stress created and the next generation gets disturbed,

sad I wish people are trained to learn islamic principles regarding treatment of humans of whatever relationship we have with them,

every human has rights and once rights are abided,

society functions at optimum level with total peace and harmony.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Im amused. Whenever there is a girl-inlaws tussle, people automatically tend to side with the girl, assuming the inlaws to be evil, and lauding the girl for 'standing up'. Really? after hearing one side of the story?

Reason many people give is that the husband is taking wife's side, so she must be right. Well, in many cases, like the above, there is a kid involved, so considering that the wife is the mother of his child, why would he want to alienate his wife?

Point is, people shouldnt post their personal stories online...and others shouldnt judge based on those stories.


Minister (2k+ posts)
I was going through her snapchat and saw that. SHe have over 110k views on her snapchat when she posted it. She is certainly among the top in Snapchat


Minister (2k+ posts)
If this is true then I'm not surprised .

Amir's family belong those Kashmiris who migrated in 60s to the UK mainly from kotli ad mirpur( parts of pak Kashmir) .Their culture in 60s was really back ward . It was Typical back ward village culture .

Ironically even after living in the UK for 50 years they still follow their 60s back ward culture in the UK . They implement this back ward culture harshly and forcefully on their children and daughter in laws .

I'm witnessed to this culture since December 2001 when I moved to the UK on student visa .

I must say she should have checked his family back ground before she decided to marry him . I guess his fame and stardom was too tempting and irresistible.

Way to go man to take out your venom against mirpuris as soon as you could. Can't you see that you're being discriminatory as well?

My siblings and bother in law are settled in the UK. A few close school-day friends are too. All they ever do is either talk how bad people form Mirpur are, or how people from Mirpur think that how bad rest of the Pak immigrants to UK are.

I'm sure it's not that bad. Being of Pakistani origin and settled in UK doesn't mean it's an all out "Mirpuris vs. The Rest" all out war.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Im amused. Whenever there is a girl-inlaws tussle, people automatically tend to side with the girl, assuming the inlaws to be evil, and lauding the girl for 'standing up'. Really? after hearing one side of the story?

Reason many people give is that the husband is taking wife's side, so she must be right. Well, in many cases, like the above, there is a kid involved, so considering that the wife is the mother of his child, why would he want to alienate his wife?

Point is, people shouldnt post their personal stories online...and others shouldnt judge based on those stories.

Well for one, she's hot... so she's supposed to be right no matter what.


Councller (250+ posts)
instead of complicating on snapchat to the general public, i would prefer her to share all this with her husband only and get this matter sorted out. and if required, court is there . she is discussing her family affairs in the mid of square. thats wrong, not encouraging at all. these things happen in almost every desi family by and large.....
