Bolta Pakistan - 28th May 2012


Councller (250+ posts)
LOL exactly, I am going through all the talk shows today to hear the comments but these B****s never said a word on it. (thumbsdown)


Minister (2k+ posts)
I want to ask Mr.PM just one question-stand in front of the mirror and ask yourself "Am I doing justice with this nation which gave me everything i needed? The answer will be big "NO". I agree with nusrat Javed.
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MPA (400+ posts)
so still same thing..I just checked comments to see if they become unbiased yet or not...but sounds like not.
If some one in Lahore try to call them during their program and continously ask them for their own thoughts about IK programs if they not spoke about it during their program. More he talk against PTI is more beneficial for us.....
