SV (50k+ posts) بابائے فورم Aug 20, 2013 #1 Featured Thumbs
A Anmir Minister (2k+ posts) Aug 20, 2013 #4 These butters summed up our beloved leaders ADRESS as a bolts Pakistan show. Even their assessment was mildly wasny a leaders ADRESS but a news casters efforts. We have to suffer for the next five years, Mubarak aap KO asa democrat.
These butters summed up our beloved leaders ADRESS as a bolts Pakistan show. Even their assessment was mildly wasny a leaders ADRESS but a news casters efforts. We have to suffer for the next five years, Mubarak aap KO asa democrat.
O octopus MPA (400+ posts) Aug 20, 2013 #5 میاں صاحب تقریر کم بلکہ کسی سکول کے ''''ماسٹر چھوارے''' کی طرح الف ۔۔ ب ۔۔ پ کا سبق یاد کرا رہے تھے ۔۔
میاں صاحب تقریر کم بلکہ کسی سکول کے ''''ماسٹر چھوارے''' کی طرح الف ۔۔ ب ۔۔ پ کا سبق یاد کرا رہے تھے ۔۔
A abdulrazzaq1 Councller (250+ posts) Aug 20, 2013 #6 As I used to say they ( N.L.) were rubbish, they r rubbish, simple.
Z zafarbokhari Senator (1k+ posts) Aug 20, 2013 #7 Disappointing cut & paste speech. Fake promises have no value and no impact.