Biggest Surrender in the history of mankind!


Voter (50+ posts)



Senator (1k+ posts)
That time America told Pakistan Army not to worry American aircraft warship on its way and this time we will forgive you. Same story different returns it was bengalis this time Pakistanis confronting.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Bangladesh, then East Pakistan, was the real Pakistan, who understood it pretty quickly that with this FOUJ, they will always be kept as slaves. So they decided the best for them and got independence. When are we going to be free, only God knows, seems very unlikely but "jab tak sans, tab tak aas".


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
We always thought it would be only bloody bengalis
It ok its bloody muhajirs,
Its ok it bloody balochs
its ok its bloody pathans.

Hold on this time is mainland punjabi victim of napaak generals


Minister (2k+ posts)
@ thread starter
Please establish in light of facts how this was "the biggest surrender in the history of mankind"


Minister (2k+ posts)
Oooo pai this is reality… and yes atm its maqboza Pakistan
This is no way to record your protest. Sometimes people cant see beyond their gains and grudges but bringing back past to create embarassment for the jawans is pathetic
Your protest should be against the begairat generals not with the army troops who have nothing to do with politics


Voter (50+ posts)
This is no way to record your protest. Sometimes people cant see beyond their gains and grudges but bringing back past to create embarassment for the jawans is pathetic
Your protest should be against the begairat generals not with the army troops who have nothing to do with politics
Haha good for you and live in illusion.

One day your kids will learn that this army is only good in real estate, and eating free tax payers money nothing else…


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ایک بے غیرت بزدل غدار بکا ؤ جرنیل کی وجہ سے ہم پوری فوج کو برا نہیں کہ سکتے نا نیازی کی وجہ سے نا یحیی کی وجہ سے نا باجوے کی وجہ نا جنرل جاوید اقبال نا بریگیڈئر رضوان کی وجہ سے
ہم کسی بھی غدار خنزیر ناپاک جرنیل کے کالے کرتوتوں حرام زدگی اور غداری کی وجہ سے اپنی فوج ہماری فوج ہماری فوج کے مجاہدوں غازیوں شہیدوں کے خون قربانیوں کی توہین نئیں کر سکتے۔ اس لئےیحیئ ،نیازی ، باجوے ، جاوید اقبال اور رضوان کی فوٹو لگائیں ہمارے جوانوں افسروں نے تو وہی کرنا ہے کو غدار بکاؤ جرنیل ان سے کہے گا
