Biggest blunder of PTI was to not summon 10 witnesses in JC :- Rauf Klasra

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
رؤف کلاسرا بھی چولیں مارتا ہے
عدالت میں جا کر یہ سارے اپنے بیانات سے مکر جاتے


Senator (1k+ posts)
We heard a lot about the word "Organized Rigging" in the recent Inquiry commission report about the rigging in election 2013. It concluded that they did not find any "Organized Rigging" in election. However, the report itself is full of the the things which they described as"irregularities" such as:

1. Massive missing of form 15 from the bags, which is the requisite document to prepare election result

2. Missing of election bags in different constituencies

3. Broken seals of a large numbers of election bags

4. Stuffing of garbage and dirt in the election bags

5. Non availability of voter lists in large number of bags, which is essential to verify, how many votes were polled

Let's see what is defined by the word Organized in English language:




Now can anyone explain that all the above noted so-called irregularities can be carried out without any of the above meanings of "Organized" or it is just happened without the knowledge of concerned quarters?

It is oblivious that all of the above was planned, prepared and controlled to get desired result.

Is there any doubt now that these election were full of "Organized Rigging"

But our blind judiciary can't see these simple things, as they don't want to expose the corrupt Maffias in Judicary (Returning Officers), who were main part and parcel of this massive "Organized Rigging"

Let's continue to expose these elements together and get rid of this corrupt system and strive for the establishment of Dean Islam, which is the only way of survival of mankind. Ameen.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Judicial Commission

Please read carefully the most important part of findings of Commission in the following Paragraph 534:

534. However on account of the potential serious
consequences which its findings may have on the Governing of the
State and potential criminal consequences for individuals the
Commission did not deem it appropriate to adopt a standard of
proof lower than the balance of probabilities.

Is this not enough that commission acted beyond its jurisdiction and adopted their own standard's of proof and avoided to investigation under the power given to the commission through the ordinance of its formation.

It is clear violation of law and must be challenged as the members of the commission violate the decision of Supreme Court against "Law of necessitate"
Let's demand for the trail of these members of the commission for the volition of their oath and constitution.
