Biased Moderator on and Abbasi Ali


Councller (250+ posts)
I posted a new topic with title "Revolt by brasstacks(Zaid Hamid) admin" and soon after the title was changed to "Hacking into brasstacks(Zaid Hamid) admin".

I kept posting new topic with original[correct] title and the moderator kept merging it under wrong title.Couple of posts were deleted.This all went for more then an hour and finally management had to block me to get desired results.

You can still see the post under "Siasai Discussion" and can see its under wrong title.
Link To the topic:
I was blocked till friday night but Abbasi Ali has unblocked me[ Thanks ].

I received one message from moderator with username "Stargazer" and would like to share it

"This is not called revolt ,this is called infiltration and sabotage,therefore the use of the word revolt is incorrect and unjustified. you have been politely pointed out and now I am making my point very clear and hope that you will not waste any more time on this.

Moderator doesn't know the meaning of "Infiltration" and "Sabotage" because I don't see any close relation of these words with "Hacking".

When you say "Hacking".It shows that the system being hacked is a victim, which is contrary to actually what had happened.Let me put it in other words it was rebellion against ZH and his association with yousaf kazzab.

Now I will tell you why stargazer[Moderator] had to change the title.The title was changed so that stargazer can show it a bad part on the person who revolted against ZH.Right after changing the title comments of stargazer were

Star Gazer said:
Even if it is true then this is not something the preachers of Islam can be proud of.Hacking is like Dacoity and no muslim can be happy let alone the maulivis who claim to follow The Rasool Hazrat Mohammad(SAWWS).

Now you can see why the title was changed.

In all this episode I really appreciate Abbasi Ali role.On seeing title has been changed I sent a message to Abbasi Ali explaining him what had happened.He asked me he will look into it because he was on his way to office.I should have waited for Abbasi Ali but I didn't.Its because people were getting wrong Impression of what had really happened.

I would urge moderators to be neutral when you are moderating.You have to be patient and should have guts to accept others point of view as well.Changing titles and Merging posts under different post totally changes the perception of post.


There are several threads on Zaid Hamid on this forum. We do not want too many threads on one topic. Please try to comment on the thread that is already open.

That is the only reason your threads were merged. Nothing against you.


It wasn't changed. When the thread gets merged, the topic that was created first becomes the main topic. Noone changed your topic on purpose. If your thread disappears or anything like that, please contact one of the moderators and they will surely reply you back with a reason.

No point blaming without investigation.


Senator (1k+ posts)
First of all if you have a problem try to get it sorted out privately because this is a very insulting and confronting way of solving the problem. you couldve Pmed the mods if u have issues with them ,openly calling the biased and onesided infront of all the users is very rude especially when you might be wrong.

Second i think the issue with zaid hamid has gone too far ,the supporters of zaid hamid believe in the last Rasool and no one after him and if he doesnt believe in the kalima then he is nto a muslim.You have have already started thousands of threads about him and we know what you are trying to say but perhaps you arnt clear on what we are trying to tell you. I humbly request the mods to delete all redundant zaid hamid posts so the other topics get a show. Thank You.

To shaqais having a tantrum wont get u anything, present ur case and move on ,u cant beat people into submission.


Councller (250+ posts)
admin said:
It wasn't changed. When the thread gets merged, the topic that was created first becomes the main topic. Noone changed your topic on purpose. If your thread disappears or anything like that, please contact one of the moderators and they will surely reply you back with a reason.

No point blaming without investigation.

the title was changed and after that I uploaded the same topic again with the correct title.First topic was posted by me.Instead of asking me to investigate.Why don't you check the history? You are admin you can check it who changed the topic.If you are storing the website stats.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
admin said:
There are several threads on Zaid Hamid on this forum. We do not want too many threads on one topic. Please try to comment on the thread that is already open.

That is the only reason your threads were merged. Nothing against you.
Nice to see your reply.
Keep replying,
if the post is regarding Moderators , change of subject by the moderators & deleting posts.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
shahqais said:
I posted a new topic with title "Revolt by brasstacks(Zaid Hamid) admin" and soon after the title was changed to "Hacking into brasstacks(Zaid Hamid) admin".

I kept posting new topic with original[correct] title and the moderator kept merging it under wrong title.Couple of posts were deleted.This all went for more then an hour and finally management had to block me to get desired results.

You can still see the post under "Siasai Discussion" and can see its under wrong title.
Link To the topic:
I was blocked till friday night but Abbasi Ali has unblocked me[ Thanks ].

I received one message from moderator with username "Stargazer" and would like to share it

"This is not called revolt ,this is called infiltration and sabotage,therefore the use of the word revolt is incorrect and unjustified. you have been politely pointed out and now I am making my point very clear and hope that you will not waste any more time on this.

Moderator doesn't know the meaning of "Infiltration" and "Sabotage" because I don't see any close relation of these words with "Hacking".

When you say "Hacking".It shows that the system being hacked is a victim, which is contrary to actually what had happened.Let me put it in other words it was rebellion against ZH and his association with yousaf kazzab.

Now I will tell you why stargazer[Moderator] had to change the title.The title was changed so that stargazer can show it a bad part on the person who revolted against ZH.Right after changing the title comments of stargazer were

Star Gazer said:
Even if it is true then this is not something the preachers of Islam can be proud of.Hacking is like Dacoity and no muslim can be happy let alone the maulivis who claim to follow The Rasool Hazrat Mohammad(SAWWS).

Now you can see why the title was changed.

In all this episode I really appreciate Abbasi Ali role.On seeing title has been changed I sent a message to Abbasi Ali explaining him what had happened.He asked me he will look into it because he was on his way to office.I should have waited for Abbasi Ali but I didn't.Its because people were getting wrong Impression of what had really happened.

I would urge moderators to be neutral when you are moderating.You have to be patient and should have guts to accept others point of view as well.Changing titles and Merging posts under different post totally changes the perception of post.

I see you are still possessed with ZH at the minimum wage. Your maulvis at the tahaffuz should create a web site just for you. You and your cronies are flooding siasat with anti ZH campaign for your personal reasons. Members do have other topics to discuss

you are lucky your threads got merged. If I were the owners of this forum, I would have banned your IP for spreading hatred and overflooding the forum....... :D

khan afghan

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I totally agree with yu.The Moderator very quickly remove the topic
which is not of his interest. Like todays topic on National data had been
handed over to americans have been very quickly removed after
a very interesting comments emerge from the readers.Dont be
biased otherwise we will leave this blog.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
khan afghan said:
I totally agree with yu.The Moderator very quickly remove the topic
which is not of his interest. Like todays topic on National data had been
handed over to americans have been very quickly removed after
a very interesting comments emerge from the readers.Dont be
biased otherwise we will leave this blog.

Wasnt " National data had been handed over to americans" posted yesterday too? Why have repetative threads?? Causes storage headache


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
yes this blog is not free as i had already suspected
how can be a person born in this corrupt land be free of heart and spirit,its not possible i guess.

yesterday i gave valid proven data in my thread named"an image that shamed us"
today its nowhere to be found
like typical pakistanis you fear army and america more than allah
anyway wait peoples eyes will open but it will be too late than

only allah is to be feared

by hiding truth of pakistani armys murder of innocent muslims infact you people support them and will get equal share in allahs punishment
its not a rude or anything but i am telling you what is truth
allahs azaab is near on this nation,you will soon see it,instead of pleaseing allah we please america and our secular army


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
you people did not ban the thread named our heroes in which merceneary armys killers are portrayed as heroes but you banned by thread in which a proven and valid info about our army chiefs visit to indian ocean and picture of drone planes standing in pakistani army base were given
anyway do what you please man!
i have fulfilled my duty ,now blame lies on you for hiding the truth,not on me


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
drkjke said:
you people did not ban the thread named our heroes in which merceneary armys killers are portrayed as heroes but you banned by thread in which a proven and valid info about our army chiefs visit to indian ocean and picture of drone planes standing in pakistani army base were given
anyway do what you please man!
i have fulfilled my duty ,now blame lies on you for hiding the truth,not on me

You consider yourself too important brother. Pak is going thru rough time. Some are killed because they dserved to be killed but unfortunately innocents always go with it. But in some cases only innocents are killed. Take the example of 6 million muslims in Buhar, India after 14-08-1947, or think of 10,000 muslims in Gujrat burnet, murdered. Or think of 100 of 1000's killed in East Pakistan by ruthless Indians.

If any of your loved ones have got hurt or killed, then I am sorry. But you can not stop the work of Allah, this is an ongoing tatheer that we are going thru because of corrupt govt

rememebr, in any tahreek, started by Muslims or Kafirs, innocents always die
