read this .haseena waajid has publically admitted that her father shaikh mujeeb was getting help from indian agencies even much before 1971 even in ayub khans era ... -pakistan/" onclick=";return false;
though i believe that bhutto and yahya also contributed in seperation of east pakistan but its my firm belief since always that no one could keep bangalis with us for long,,,they were much closer to hindu culture than even us,in bangladesh majority of teachers were hindus,even islamiat was aught by hindu teachers,so you can imagine how they brain washed a whole generation against pakistan,on top of that like nowdays karachiite people support altaf husain even when his links to indian agencies are so open,similarly bengalis all supported with passion the mujeeb ur rehman ,who was an indian agent since begeining
mujeebs force mukti bahani was created by india,you can read it in above article,this mukti bahani force killed thousands of western pakistanis residing in bengaldesh.all ulema of islam who were from west pakistan or taught by west pakistanis were slaughtered mercilessly ,west pakistani families were killed and their women were gang raped,all this you can find in unbiased history books
so bangladesh should apologise to us,not us....
now as pakistan is under control of secular coward anti islam forces ,so pakistanis are being advised wrong on all issues,,,next may be these pseudo intellectuals will ask pakistan to ask forgiveness from india and israel too
so the reason of giving above article was that
some "intellectuals" nowdays are asking pakistani nation to ask forgiveness to bangladeshi people,for so called crimes against them committed by pakistanis,some of these pseudo intellectuals say that all bengalis including mujeeb were very patriotic pakistanis ,but it is the western pakistanis who pushed them away into separation
many voices all around are buzzing on this
but facts are can read them
also some misguided people equate the struggle of bengalis to struggle of islamists today,forgetting that bengali freedom movement named mukti bahani was entirely funded and trained by indian agencies and they were trained on indian soil
some seculars to malign islamists say that taliban and islamists are like mukti bahani,which is totally wrong as mukti bahanis main aim was to wipe and kill all ulema and name of islam in bangladesh,and to break pakistan.taliban on other hand are fighting against india,america ,israeli agents and there only goal is to islamise pakistan and afghanistan,not to change the solidarity or integrity of pakistan.recently taliban leader said that we will give last drop of blood for pakistan if india attacked pakistan......this statement ofcourse our secular media censored.only some islamic papers gave this interview.
but on other hand the balochi rebels are totally getting funded by india just like mukti bahani, so thats why they are target killing punjabis and pathans in balochistan,in same way bangaldeshi mukti bahani had killed every punjabi and nwfp citizen living in east pakistan in 1971 .
also balochi rebels are against taliban and islam and they openly support israel and indias atrocities against muslims,which you can read in link below
http://governmentofbalochistan.blogspot ... oices.html" onclick=";return false; ... 0LLEO6NBPR" onclick=";return false;
its so tragic that our new generation does not know any of these facts,thats why they are being misguided by secular anti islam forces and the result of this may be catastrophic for pakistan,because islam and pakistan are one and same ,one can not separate the two,if islam is separated from pakistan than it will not survive long.
bangladesh is save the rest of pakistan,that can only be done by becoming muslims in true spirit
a muslim mujahid fights for allah ,while a secular guy fights for honour money and plots in defense he cant fight in such jazeba as an islamist fighter struggling for islam can fight...
thats why islamists are defeating the superpower america without having any good weapons,and no airforce ,no tanks ,nothing at all!,but countries like pakistan etc have the latest weapons ,greatest airforce,latest tanks,nuclear power, and army,but they still take dictation from america and beg from it!
this is because of difference in iman status only!!!!cant we see
as iqbal said
maumin hai to bai taigh bhi larta haai sipahi
meaning that if a guy is true muslim he will fight for islam and his nation even empty handed ... -pakistan/" onclick=";return false;
though i believe that bhutto and yahya also contributed in seperation of east pakistan but its my firm belief since always that no one could keep bangalis with us for long,,,they were much closer to hindu culture than even us,in bangladesh majority of teachers were hindus,even islamiat was aught by hindu teachers,so you can imagine how they brain washed a whole generation against pakistan,on top of that like nowdays karachiite people support altaf husain even when his links to indian agencies are so open,similarly bengalis all supported with passion the mujeeb ur rehman ,who was an indian agent since begeining
mujeebs force mukti bahani was created by india,you can read it in above article,this mukti bahani force killed thousands of western pakistanis residing in bengaldesh.all ulema of islam who were from west pakistan or taught by west pakistanis were slaughtered mercilessly ,west pakistani families were killed and their women were gang raped,all this you can find in unbiased history books
so bangladesh should apologise to us,not us....
now as pakistan is under control of secular coward anti islam forces ,so pakistanis are being advised wrong on all issues,,,next may be these pseudo intellectuals will ask pakistan to ask forgiveness from india and israel too
so the reason of giving above article was that
some "intellectuals" nowdays are asking pakistani nation to ask forgiveness to bangladeshi people,for so called crimes against them committed by pakistanis,some of these pseudo intellectuals say that all bengalis including mujeeb were very patriotic pakistanis ,but it is the western pakistanis who pushed them away into separation
many voices all around are buzzing on this
but facts are can read them
also some misguided people equate the struggle of bengalis to struggle of islamists today,forgetting that bengali freedom movement named mukti bahani was entirely funded and trained by indian agencies and they were trained on indian soil
some seculars to malign islamists say that taliban and islamists are like mukti bahani,which is totally wrong as mukti bahanis main aim was to wipe and kill all ulema and name of islam in bangladesh,and to break pakistan.taliban on other hand are fighting against india,america ,israeli agents and there only goal is to islamise pakistan and afghanistan,not to change the solidarity or integrity of pakistan.recently taliban leader said that we will give last drop of blood for pakistan if india attacked pakistan......this statement ofcourse our secular media censored.only some islamic papers gave this interview.
but on other hand the balochi rebels are totally getting funded by india just like mukti bahani, so thats why they are target killing punjabis and pathans in balochistan,in same way bangaldeshi mukti bahani had killed every punjabi and nwfp citizen living in east pakistan in 1971 .
also balochi rebels are against taliban and islam and they openly support israel and indias atrocities against muslims,which you can read in link below
http://governmentofbalochistan.blogspot ... oices.html" onclick=";return false; ... 0LLEO6NBPR" onclick=";return false;
its so tragic that our new generation does not know any of these facts,thats why they are being misguided by secular anti islam forces and the result of this may be catastrophic for pakistan,because islam and pakistan are one and same ,one can not separate the two,if islam is separated from pakistan than it will not survive long.
bangladesh is save the rest of pakistan,that can only be done by becoming muslims in true spirit
a muslim mujahid fights for allah ,while a secular guy fights for honour money and plots in defense he cant fight in such jazeba as an islamist fighter struggling for islam can fight...
thats why islamists are defeating the superpower america without having any good weapons,and no airforce ,no tanks ,nothing at all!,but countries like pakistan etc have the latest weapons ,greatest airforce,latest tanks,nuclear power, and army,but they still take dictation from america and beg from it!
this is because of difference in iman status only!!!!cant we see
as iqbal said
maumin hai to bai taigh bhi larta haai sipahi
meaning that if a guy is true muslim he will fight for islam and his nation even empty handed