Benazir had no choice but to die? By Dr Shahid Qureshi


The London Post
Benazir had no choice but to die? (3)​
By Dr Shahid Qureshi
Saturday 24 April 2010
I spoke to Benazir Bhutto face to face on 20th July 2007 at International Institute of Strategic Studies in London, when I asked her vision about Kashmir issue and solutions beyond borders. She was glowing with happiness and confidence. I could see some kind confidence on her face as if all the boxes have been ticked and she is going to walk into throne. I gave my article about Islamabad Red Mosque Operation Nation is Traumatized Mr President (Musharaf) published in the Frontier Post on that day. I said to her consider going back to Pakistan in the current situation. She looked at me as if saying, it is too late and put article in her purse.
Wajidshamusl Hassan current high commissioner of Pakistan in London, M. Ziaudin, senior editor of Dawn Newspaper and writer, sat down in a caf at Temple Tube station in front of IISS to discuss the speech. Though Mr Hassan was advisor to late Benazir Bhutto but Rehman Malik by passed all the senior political workers and cronies like him. Why?
It was the same meeting at IISS, where Rehman Malik claimed to have arrested Ramzi Yousaf while talking to a senior Arab Journalist. For the record at that time there was no anti terrorist cell in FIA when Mr Malik was on the job. But an ISI team arrested Ramzi Youasf which was despatched from Lahore under the supervision of very senior officer. Rehman Malik is nothing but a key holder of multi billion Corruption Empire of Zardari. He is next in the line to join Khalid Shenshah (Ms Bhuttos chief security officer appointed by Zardari) as Malik knows too much? Why is Zaradari rewarding Rehman Mailk who took backup life line vehicle of Ms Bhutto from the scene just before the blast as if he knew about it? Why there was no reconstruction of the whole incident as suggested by the British Scotland Yard?
Zardari is too busy clearing Mailks name as if it is going to affect his British Nationality application? Malik was dismissed from his job on the corruption charges. Now Zardari has issued an order converting his disgraceful dismissal to honourable retirement with full benefit. It is like one crook scratching back of another thief.
It seems Benazir Bhutto was mostly relying on Indian and Western sources for information and assessments about Pakistan. The quality of advisors like Hussain Haqqani, Rehman Malik, (36 weeks PhD holder) Babar Awan, and others around her at the time was very low.
I wrote on 25th July 2007 in The Frontier Post: Benazir Bhutto lectured about the future of democracy in Pakistan at the International Institute of Strategic Studies in London on 20th July 2007. She was going on about the increase of extremism in Pakistan. I asked her what you would do when the root causes of spreading of extremism are beyond the borders of Pakistan and there are more than two million afghan refugees living in Pakistan, some are also involved in terrorism according to reports. Her response does not worth mentioning because it was based on the reports in western and Indian media. She is not aware with the ground realities now and how people of Pakistan are thinking. There is a high probability of her becoming a terrorist target in Pakistan.

Benazir Bhutto with Israeli Ambassador Dan Gillerman who served as Israel's
Permanent Representative to the United Nations from January 2003 August 2008.
She was eliminated because none of the guarantors and launchers trusted her. She was a person who followed the line of interests and that is how she beat Nawaz Sharif in political manoeuvrings. Zulifqar Ali Bhutto was a great statesman and leader though trained under a dictators umbrella but not corrupt and so was his daughter late Benazir Bhutto.
I wrote in The Frontier Post on 17th October 2007, The game plan is taking shape and becoming more and more visible. Musharraf and Benazir are like clay pigeons, which could be shot at any time according to some analysts. In Pakistan Benazir and Altaf Hussain are no different than Chilbis and Karzais. Benazir is promising to provide full access to Dr AQ Khan for interrogation and intention to invite US forces to operate in Pakistan as if they are not already secretly. Does any one wonder why Mr Bin Laden always helped President Bush by releasing his messages just before the last US elections and other low ratings moments and now Benazir by allegedly threatening to eliminate her? I dont see any future of Benazir.
The US Plan was not changed even after the death of Benazir Bhutto because Asif Zardari who had free coaching lessons from the CIA while in United Stated according to some sources replaced her. He and his wife have been having intimate dinners with Dan Gillerman, Israeli ambassador to the United Nations with his wife. What was the reason to meet and dine with the officials of a country whom Pakistan doesnt recognise it exists? If it was any body else he or she would be jailed by now?
As a shrewd crook Zardari has learn the trick of bypassing the official system of government to deliver the goods. That is the most effective way of espionage. That is how delivery and rent boys Zaradris PSO Salman Farooqi and Rehman Malik got four US (blackwater/CIA) agents released from the police custody and handed over to the US embassy in Islamabad, without charge. These agents allegedly were arrested in a 4x4 about two miles from sensitive Kahuta Nuclear Plant. They were dressed like Taliban and talking in Pashto and had explosives and sensitive equipments in the vehicle. Was that a plan to take over Pakistans nuclear assets by Hollywood style Balckwater/Xe dirty operation?
One theory can be that the same people who launched Ms Bhutto third time with the support of locals eliminated her? Zardari gang, Rehman Malik and Hussain Haqqani and others are the people who are not only corrupt and compromised but also have their loyalties signed outside. They are The Asset Plus of foreign governments including US, India and Israel.
Since his entry into Presidency we have seen a stream of visits by the US officials, politicians, senators, and generals almost all of them supporting Zardari. They all come to put pressure on the armed forces and opposition leaders not to bother our man, said a senior analyst.
In the word of US President Franklin D Roosevelt who reportedly said in 1939 about Anastasio Somoza Garca the non communist Nicaraguan ruthless dictator, "Somoza may be a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch
