European countries have replaced name of some additives by a code. You must check these codes before bying something because ingredients in it can be halal or haram.
Additives which are ALWAYS of animal origin, such as (HARAAM):
The main additives you need to be aware of are:
For the complete list you can check this link: , moreover there are also apps on android devices or iphone you can use when you are buying.
Additives which are ALWAYS of animal origin, such as (HARAAM):
- E120 Cochineal : a red colour obtained from female insects
- E441 Gelatine : derived from the bones and/ or hides of cattle and/ or pigs
- E542 Edible Bone Phosphate : an extract from animal bones
- E904 Shellac : a resin from the lac insect
Whilst some additives with a common code such as E47, can be either of animal or plant origin and this latter type needs to be investigated on a case-by-case basis per product/ manufacturer.
The main additives you need to be aware of are:
- Glycerol / Glycerin / Glycerine (E422) - haraam if obtained from pork or non-halal meat sources.
- Emulsifiers (E470 to E483) - haraam if obtained from pork or non-halal sources.
- Edible Bone Phosphate (E542) - haraam if obtained from pork or non-halal meat sources.
For the complete list you can check this link: , moreover there are also apps on android devices or iphone you can use when you are buying.