Brother m_imran45 Assalam-o-alaikum
Brother after reading your post, i think you are too confused. Didnot u hear & read about HADITH & AYAT explaining the PRE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) era.
I think you should explain what u meant other wise i will get some authentic Ayat & hadith about PRE-PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) ERA.. About burying their daughters alive etc.. Please correct your point of view,as the sentences u wrote "There are some serious questions needs to be answered about the knowledge of religion.The picture given to us about about pre-Isamic Arab society is very distorted.Since my childhood I was told that pre-Islamic era was really barbaric and inhumane.Arabs used to kill their daughters alive.There is big paradox here if those people were misogynist then how come the first wife of Prophet,Hazrat Khadija, was a successful business women." leave v negative & wrong impression..
About our current situation, yes u can say that the we are behaving same as ARAB PAGANS were doing 1400 years ago before coming of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, & it could be discussed positively & in healthy debate..
U Didnot mentioned about HAZRAT ABU BAKAR SIDDIQUE (RAZIALLAH ANH) what u say about him before accepting Islam... No one claimed that 100% of arab pagans were lost. Even i have some hadiths about people who were searching for truth even they were belonging to CHRISTIANS, JEWS & FIRE WORSHIPER religions..
I hope you will understand..
Correct me if i am wrong. Regards & jaza-k-ALLAH