After the latest verdict on the review petition filed by PMLN in supreme court of Pakistan, the quick decision indicates one sure fact, Nawaz Lohaar days and his so called political career is finished.
The former desi Mafioso and a convicted PM Nawaz Lohaar, it is quite possible he will be executed on the charges of high crimes and treason.
Based on the evidence in box numbered 10, yet to opened for public view, all indications are pointing towards Nawaz facing gallows.
The extent of corruption committed by him and his immediate family, plus his illiterate cronies is beyond comprehension.
There is more than sufficient evidence in volume ten to put this first family of crime and treason behind bars for rest of their natural lives.
This 40 years system of corruption has been on a life support since IK s heroic fight against this SYSTEM of corruption and suffering facilitated by a corrupt anti Pakistan bureaucracy of pimps and prostitutes of PMLN.
Finally there is a ray of hope for Pakistani nation in the form of a pro active Supreme court of Pakistan.
This PMLN cancerous regime will not be the first to go, next it will be the PPP and ANP, MQM, and the rest of the gang of terrorist robbers of Pakistan.
A nuclear power nation being held hostage by pimps and prostitution ring of Zardaree and Nawaz families with fake degrees.
Charges: Facing Nawaz Lohaar are..
Lied Under Oath
Aiding And Abetting The Enemy( Hindustani Terrorist Gay Modi)
Money Laundering
Tax Evasion
Wire Fraud
Human Trafficking
Dereliction of Duties
Children out of Wedlock.
In Conclusion:
A new beginning for a nation that suffered such horrible fate under the disgusting degenerate illegal fraud regime of PMLN terrorist.
Dawn of Naya Pakistan minus the Nawaz tribe of Dakoos.
Rahey Naam ALLAH Ka our Pakistan Zindabad.
The former desi Mafioso and a convicted PM Nawaz Lohaar, it is quite possible he will be executed on the charges of high crimes and treason.
Based on the evidence in box numbered 10, yet to opened for public view, all indications are pointing towards Nawaz facing gallows.
The extent of corruption committed by him and his immediate family, plus his illiterate cronies is beyond comprehension.
There is more than sufficient evidence in volume ten to put this first family of crime and treason behind bars for rest of their natural lives.
This 40 years system of corruption has been on a life support since IK s heroic fight against this SYSTEM of corruption and suffering facilitated by a corrupt anti Pakistan bureaucracy of pimps and prostitutes of PMLN.
Finally there is a ray of hope for Pakistani nation in the form of a pro active Supreme court of Pakistan.
This PMLN cancerous regime will not be the first to go, next it will be the PPP and ANP, MQM, and the rest of the gang of terrorist robbers of Pakistan.
A nuclear power nation being held hostage by pimps and prostitution ring of Zardaree and Nawaz families with fake degrees.
Charges: Facing Nawaz Lohaar are..
Lied Under Oath
Aiding And Abetting The Enemy( Hindustani Terrorist Gay Modi)
Money Laundering
Tax Evasion
Wire Fraud
Human Trafficking
Dereliction of Duties
Children out of Wedlock.
In Conclusion:
A new beginning for a nation that suffered such horrible fate under the disgusting degenerate illegal fraud regime of PMLN terrorist.
Dawn of Naya Pakistan minus the Nawaz tribe of Dakoos.
Rahey Naam ALLAH Ka our Pakistan Zindabad.

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